The Old White Hart Hotel, Bourke St., Melbourne. c. 1908.
Image courtesy of Mr. Tony Davies, London, U.K.
Believe in the power of the factor
The Old White Hart Hotel, Bourke St., Melbourne. c. 1908.
The Old White Hart Hotel, Bourke St., Melbourne. c. 1908.
Image courtesy of Mr. Tony Davies, London, U.K.
Significantly different ti this shot from 1858:
My granfather owned or ran this hotel at some probably in the late 19th century.
The previous owners of our house bought some etched glass doors when this was demolished in the early 60’s and one of them is hung in the house. It has a big stag and the words “Old White Hart Hotel”
Hi, I was having a drink tonight with some friends, talking about our various experiences relating to the Windsor Hotel. I remembered a 1850s photo of the Old White Hart Hotel on the Spring Street / Bourke Street corner and recalled a newspaper story I’d read years ago, I think (but I might be mistaken) it was written by Keith Dunstan. It was about the journalist and a mate walking past (the later incarnation of) the hotel in around 1960 when it was being demolished and seeing and buying the doors. From memory, after describing them he wrote something like, “actually as I write this, I’m looking at them installed in my house.” A great story and wonderful to think one has been preserved.
My Great Grandfather Robert Arthur Kenney owned this hotel when the ownership passed to him on the 20th April 1852. It was resold 6th December 1853.
I came across a postcard of this hotel in my Great Great Aunt’s album. At first I thought it was in Ballarat, so very pleased to find this information. Happy to post a scan, but I can’t see how??