All Irenes recipes




140G marmalade

175g of butter

175g of light brown suga5r

3 eggs, beaten

225 S.R. flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

2 teaspoons of ginger

1 teaspoon of mixed spice

100g of slivered almonds

50g of crystaline gingr, sliced

Set aside 2 tablespoons of marmalade, and 1/4 of the almonds and gingerr.

Regular method. Bake in a loaf tin for 75 min. At 180C. After 40 min. Cover cake with foil. Remove and cool on a rack. Make a glaze from the marmalade and spread over the cake with the remaining ingredients.



1/4lb of butter

1 cup of S.R. flour

1/2 ” ” Pl. “

1 tablespoon of custard powder.

1 egg

pinch of salt

2oz ” castor sugar

2 tablespoons of water

Cream butter, add sifted dry ingredients. mix well. Add beaten egg and water. Mix


Roll out on grease proof paper.

Place drained apples on one half of pastry. Fold over and seal.

Brush over with egg or milk. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.


2 cups Pl. flour,

1 1/4 cups sugar,

1/4 teaspoon salt,

1 ” bi carb of soda,

1 ” cinnamon,

2 eggs (61g size),

1 cup of vegetable oil,

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence,

25Og can of crushed pineapple (undrained),

1 large ripe banana (mashed),

1 mango or other seasonal fruit,

1 quantity of cream frosting,

Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl, mix in eggs, oil then vanilla,

crushed pineapple and banana and combine with a wooden spoon.

Preheat oven, bake 45min for a large cake or 3Omin for smaller ones.

Allow to cool for 1O min. before unmoulding.

Using a large serrated knife, cut cake in half, spread one half with 1/4 of

the icing and top with half of the mango slices. Place second half of cake on

top and spread top and sides with remaing icing. Arrange remaining mango

slices on top and serve.

SUES AMERICAN FRUIT CAKE Compliments of Ada Norman


3/4 cup of flour

1/4 teaspoon of baking powder

1/4 ” ” bi carb of soda

1/2 ” ” Salt


2 cups of pitted dates

1 1/2 ” ” dried apricots

2/3 ” ” walnut halves

3/4 ” ” brown sugar


3 eggs with 1 teaspoon vanilla


Add to mix. and stir well.

Pour into foil lined loaf tin.

Bake 325F. (15OC.) for 1 1/4hr, check at 1hr.

Cover with foil after 1/2hr to keep


1/2 lb of S.R.flour

4 oz of sugar

4 oz of butter

1/2 gill of milk

1 egg

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

3/4 lb of apples

Cream butter and sugar, beat egg and add milk. Peel and core apples, slice thinly and add to mixture. Lastly add flour sifted with cinnamon. Bake in a well greased shallow tin for 3/4 hr in a moderate oven. Spread with castor sugar and serve hot or cold.


250g butter

1 cup castor sugar

4 eggs

21/2 cups of S.R. flour

1 tea S. of ground cinnamon

” ” ” ” ” nutmeg

300g of sour cream (I used 300ml of old cream)

410g of pie apples (” ” 1lb of drained stewed apples)

1 apple thinly sliced

1/4 cup of warmed apricot jam (I used apple jelly)

Grease and line deep 22cm cake tin,

cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy add one egg at time mixing well.

Stir in flour with cream and pie apples in 2 batches.

Spread mix. in tin and place apple slices around edge.

Bake mod. oven for 1hr. (Mine took about 11/2hrs.) Let stand for 15min.

before turning out Brush with jam and cool. Will keep about 2days.

CARROT CAKE (makes two cakes; well liked) Browns Bakery

450g sugar

5 eggs

230g of wholemeal flour

120g P. Flour

a pinch of cinnamon

1 dessertspoon of baking powder

250ml of vegetable oil

440g of carrots, grated.

1/2 cup of walnuts chopped roughly


125g og cream cheese

125 unsalted butter, softened

100g icing sugar

extra walnuts to decorate

Prehet the oven to 180C.

Beat the sugr and eggs until pale and sift the dry ingredients into the bowl. Add the oil , carrot and walnuts and mix until combined. Do not overmix or the mixture will lose too much volume. Butter two 21cm loaf tins and divide the mixture into twoi tins. Bake for approx. 40 minutes or until the cake springs back to the touch. Allow to cool in the tins


2 cups of S.R.flour

1 1/4 cups of sugar


1 tea S. of bi-carb.

1 ” ” ” ground cinnamon

1/2″ ” ” ” ginger

2 eggs (61g size)

3/4 cup of oil.

1/2 tea S. vanilla essence

250g or 9oz. of crushed pineapple or tropical fruit salad, unstained.

1 large ripe banana, chopped

Carrot cake method. Bake for 3/4hr. at 160C. Allow cake to cool in the tin

for 10 min. before unmoulding. Finish with cream cheese frosting and slices

of mango or other seasonal fruit e.g. Kiwi fruit.


125G Butter

3/4 cup (firmly packed) 150g brown sugar

2 eggs

1 cup of mashed banana (I had 2/3 cup only)

1 tea S. of mixed spice >>>>> usual method

1 1/2 cups of S.R. flour 225g

1/2 cup (125ml) of sour cream

1/4 ” milk

Caramel Icing

60g of butter >>>>> Dissolve brown sugar in

2 tablespoons of milk butter and milk, add icing

1/2 cup of brown sugar sugar to thicken.

3/4 ” ” icing sugar I needed only 1/2 of mix.


!/2 cup buter

1 1/2 cups of sugar >>> cream

2 eggs >>> add

1/2 teaspoon of vinegar

1 cup of mashed banana >>> add, then flour milk and vinegar

2 cups of S.R. flour

1/2 cup of milk Bake 30 -35 min. in a moderat oven.


125G of butter

1 cup of firmly packed sugar

2 eggs

1 1/4 cup of S.R. flour >>> usual method

1/2 cup of sour cream

1 table S. of instant coffee

1 ” ” ” hot water

Streusel Topping

1/4 cup of Pl. flour

” ” ” firmly packed brown sugar >>> mix together and sprinkle

1 teaspoon of cinnamon on cake mix and press lightly

60g of butter, chopped

1/2 cup of chopped walnuts

1/4 ” ” coconut.


2 x 6O g. eggs

1 cup of S.R. flour

1/4″ ” castor sugar

3 tablespoons of milk

” ” ” melted butter


Place ingredients in a bowl in given order.

Beat for about 3 min. until mix. is smooth and glossy.

Divide mix. between two 18 cm. sandwich tin and bake at 19O C. for 25 min.

APRICOT CHOC CHIP CAKE Compliments of Marie Maguire Holt

1 cup of chopped apricots soaked in

1cup of apricot nectar

125g of butter and

2/3 cup of sugar creamed and add yolks of

2 eggs

1 1/2 cups of coconot

1 1/2 cups of S.R. fl

1/2 cup of chopped cooking chocolate Beat egg whites and add gentlly at the end.

Moderat oven 1 1/4 hrs.

GINGER CAKE (I. Shaw good, not outstanding)

2 cups of S.R. flour

2 cups of brown sugar

2 generous tablespoons of golden syrup

4 eggs

1 cup of milk

3 teaspoons of ginger

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

6 oz of butter

Quick mix method. Slow to moderate oven.


1/4 cup of poppy seeds

1/4 ” ” milk

185 g. of butter

1 1/2 tablespoons of grated orange ring

1 1/4 cups of castor sugar >>> usual method

3 eggs

3/4 cup of Pl. flour

3/4 ” ” S.R. “

1/2 ” ” ground almonds

1/3 ” ” orange Juice

Orange Cream

5OO g. of package cream cheese

1/2 cup of sour cream

2 tablespoons of grated orange rind >>> I used 1/4 of recipe

3/4 cup of icing sugar to ice top and join centre

1 tablespoon of orange juice


1 lb of butter

1 lb of sugar

8 eggs

1 1/4 lb of P. Flour

1teaspoon of baking powder

1 lb of fruit


1 lb of sultanas

3/4 cup of water

1/4 cup of sweet sherry Simmer together for 8 minutes until most of the liquid absorbed.

6 oz of butter

1 cup of sugar

3 eggs

2 teaspoons of cornflour to blend in

1/2 cup of water extra, for blending in flour.

1 1/4 cups of Pl. Flour

1 1/4 cups of S.R. flour

pinch of salt

Usual creaming method. 9 inch tin, bake in a moderate oven for 1 hr and 25 minutes.


1/4lb Butter melted

750 gr. of sultanas

3/4cup Pl. Flour

1/2 ” S.R. “

1/2 cup of brown Sugar >>> Place in bowl and add melted butter

1/4 cup of Sherry

2 eggs

2 tablespoons of Marmalade

Bake in a slow oven for 1and1/2 hrs.Cover with foil and cool in pan.


4 eggs

3/4 cup of sugar

1 cup of cornflour

1 tablespoon of custard powder

1/2 teaspoon bi carb of soda

1 teaspoon of cream of tartar

pinch of salt

Sponge method. Sift flour 4 times, sift flou into egg mixture. 8″ tins, 175C for 20minutes.


4 eggs

2/3 cup of sugar

Vanilla essence

2 tablespoons of P. Flour (as much as one can get on the spoon)

1 tablespoon of cornfour ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” “

1 teaspoon of cream of tartar

1/2 ” ” bi carb of soda

Beat eggs, add sugar, then sifted dry ingredients. Bake 15 minutes at 375 (gas oven) for 15 min.


4 eggs

1 cup of castor sugar (sparse)

3/4 cup of corn flour (maize)

1 level t.spoon of cream of tartar

1/2 ” ” ” soda bi carb.

1 rounded tablespoon of custard powder

Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, add sugar gradually, make sure it is

dissolved. Add egg yolks, Mix in

dry ingredients by hand.

Not too quick an oven and do not overcook.

Cook 220 C for about 20 min.


4 eggs – seperated and not more than a day old

1 cup of sigar

1 cup of P. Flour >

1 heaped dessertspoon of cornflour > Sift dry ingredients

1 teaspoon of cream of tartar >

1/2 teaspoon of bi carb. of soda >

1/2 cup of milk > Heat in a saucepan

1 teaspoon f butter >

Fluff up egg whites and gradually add sugar, beat until fluffy. Add yolks. Mix in dry ingreients, do not beat, only mix in. Add soda to milk at boiling point. Add to sponge mix and blend gently. Mod oven.


!/2 cup of sugar

1/2 cup of S.R. flour


1 tablespoon of milk

1 tablespoon of water

Beat eggs add sugar, and beat well again. Next add milk and water, then stir in flour. Bake at 425F

Roll etc. Can be made into a chocolate roll by subtracting 1 tablespoon of flour and adding 1 tablespoon of cocoa.


4 oz of butter

1 cup of sugar

1 teaspoon of grted rind

2 eggs seperated

1 1/2 cups of S.R flour

3/4 cup of plain yoghurt

2 oz of mixed peel.

Usual creaming method, fold in beaten egg whites last. Bake in a moete oven for 50 – 60 minutes. When cold dust with sifted icing sugar.


1/2 cup of butter = 4 oz.

2 eggs

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of vinegar

1 1/2 cups of sugar

2 cups of S.R. flour

1/2 cup of milk

1 cup of mashed bananas (About 2 large bananas or 3 small ones)

Cream butter and sugar and add eggs seperately and beat well,add banans then flur and saltwith milk and vingatr, alternately. Bake in a moderate oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Often takes a fair bit longer.


4 eggs

3/4 cup castor sugar

1/2 teaspoon of bi carb. of soda

1 teaspoon of cream of tartar

pinchof salt

3/4 cup of custard powder

2 tablespoons of cocoa

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon of ginger

2 tablespoons of cornflour

whipped cream

Beat egg whites whith a pinch of salt

until stiff.

Graduallu beat in castor sugar, add egg yolks and beat quickly.

Fold in dry ingredients. Divide into two tins and bak******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** >>>>> blend together

1 1/4 cups of sugar

4 oz of butter

3 eggs, seperated >>>>> beat till light and creamy, add

1 teaspoon of salt just yolks and half of the cocoa mix

1 teaspoon of vaniola

1/2 cup of sour cream, mix with >>>>> add to butter mixture alternating cream flour and rest

1 teaspoon of bi carb. of soda of cocoa mix

2 cups of Pl .flour

Additional 1/2 cup of sugar

to beat with the 3 egg whites, fold meringue into mixture.

(The last time Mum made it, she added baking powder, ? small teaspoon. A big cake.


4 tablespoons of cocoa

2 cups pf S.R. fl

1 cup of castor sugar

3/4 cup of butter

1 cup of milk

3 eggs

1 teasoon of vanilla essence

Usual one bowl mthod.


1/2 cup of butter

1 cup of sugar


1 1/2 cups of S.R. flour

2 eggs

3 tablespoons of cocoa

1 cup of milk, vanilla essence

Cream butter to a cream add sugar and beat until light and fluffy

Add vanilla and egg yolks. Stir in dry ingredients alternating with milk.

Lastly stir in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in a moderate oven.


2cups of water/milk

3 ” ” sugar

1 teaspoon of bi carb.

250 g butter

8 tablespoons of cocoa


3 cups of S.R. flour

Place the first five ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for five to eight minutes.

Cool for approx. 30 min. It is better if the mix. is cold. Then add the lightly beaten eggs and the the flour.

Bake 50-60 min at 180 C.


4 oz. butter

2/3 cup of firmly packed brown sugar >>> cream

2 eggs >>> add

1/2 cup of S.R. flour

1/2 cup of almonds >>> fold in flour and almonds

75g (2 1/20z) dark chocolate >>> add chocolate and mix well

extra dark chocolate optional Bake in a mod. oven for 1 1/4 hrs. or

until firm. Leave in tin for 5min. and

then turn out.

Toffee Icing

2 oz. of butter

2//3 cup of brown sugar >>> Mix and cook over a gentle heat, bring

2 tablespoons of golden syrup to the boil, reduce and then simmer for 5

1/2 cup of cream without stirring. Remove from heat and

pour cream in a stream stirring well .

Leave to cool and thicken. .Dec. with

chocolat if desired. Topping can be

PLAIN CAKE Aunty Beenys

5 oz of butter

3 eggs

1 small cup of sugar

2 cups of S.R. flour

1/2 cup of milk

pinch of salt


Cream butter and sugar, add 2 eggs, one at a time beating well. Add flour alternating with milk, lastly add 1 egg and vanilla and beat in well

thickened with icing sugar.


8 oz butter

1 lb S.R. flour

12 oz sugar

4 eggs >>> Creaming method or quick mix. Cook at 180C. for 15 min then

1 1/3 cups milk reduce temp. as cake cooks, takes about 1 hour.

1 tsp vanilla


Current. 1/2lb currents 2tsp of mix. spice and 1/2 tsp of cloves and 1 good teaspoon of lemon essence.


3 cups of S.R. flour

1 cup of sugar or a little less

200 grams of butter


3 eggs

Milk to right consistency

Creaming method.


juice and rind of 2 oranges

3/4 cup of sugar >>> simmer together for 5min. Cool and add

125g of butter, beat until combimned. Add

2 eggs combine, (may not be smooth), then stir in

1 1/4 cups S.R. flour and mix in

2 tbsp cream and

juice of 1/2 lemon. Bake in a mod oven for 50 to 60 min. Leave in tinfor 5 min before turning out.


1/2 cup butter (I/4 lb)

1 rounded tablespoon of cornflour

1 cup of castor sugar

2 eggs, top the cup almost full with milk, add orange juice after the mix is mixed

grated orange rind.

Creaming method. ? how much orange juice.


1 Large seedless orange

3 eggs

1 1/2 cups od S.R.flour

200 grams of melted butter

1 cup of castor sugar

Put all ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth. Pourinto a 18cm. Greased cake tin and bake in a mod. Oven for approx. 50 min._


2 unblemished Oranges – navel

1 1/2 cups of blanched almonds

1 cup of castor sugar

5 (61g) eggs

1 teaspoob of baking powder

Boil whole oranges for about 1 1/2 hours.

Blend almonds and sugar in a blender.

Blend oranges to a smooth puree add almond and sugar, blend briefly adding

eggs and baking powder, blend till smooth. Bake in 180 C. oven for 1 hour,

leave in tin for 10 min. before unmoulding. Dust with icing sugar.

put all ingredients ina food processor and blend until smooth. Pout into a greased 18 cm caketin and bake for 50 min. Ice with either lemon or orange icing. Can be serfved warm as sweet.


1/4`lb of butter

pinch of salt

1/2 lb of S.R. fl.

3 tab sp. of custard powder

2 tablespoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of water

1 egg; lemon essence.

Rub butter into the flour and custard powder . Beat eggs, water and together, add sugar. Mix to astiff dough. Roll out on paper. Cover one half wth stewed apples, then fold over remaining pastry. Prick well, prick well.Bake – mod oven.



8oz of S.R. flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of mixed spice

! tablespoon of softened butter

tablespoons of sugar

2oz of walnuts

1 egg

7 1/2 tablespoons of milk

Sift dry ingedients. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and beat well, then add milk and flour.


1 cup of bran

2cups of S.R. flour

1 1/2 cups of brown sugar

1 1/2 cups of mixed fruit

1/2 cup of walnuts chopped

pinch of salt

1 1/4 cups of milk

1/3 cup of melted butter

Soak All bran in the milk. Sift dry ingrecdients, add sugar fruit and nuts. Make a well in the drey ingredients and add the All bran, egg and melted butter. Beat well until the ingredients are well combined.

Bake 3/4 – 1hr.


2 cups of All Bran

1 cup of brown sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cup of butter

2 cups of milk

1 1/2 sultanas simmered in water

2 cups of S.R. flour

Soak bran and sugar in milk, add eggs, cooled sultanas, and melted butter and blend flour with extra milk (approx. 1/2 cup) to a good consistency.


1 cup of chopped dates

1 scant cup of lightly packed brown sugar >>>> mix in a large bowl

2 oz of butter at room temperature

1 cup of boiling water

1 3/4 cups of S.R. flour

4 leval tablespoons of Dutch Jug Instant >>>> sift and mix with wet ingredients

1 leval teaspoon of mixed spice

1/2 ” ” ” ginger or cinnamon

1 leval teaspoon of bi carb of soda

Bake in a moderate oven for 45 – 50 minutes. This loaf keeps for a week.


2 cups of sugar

2 cups of water Boil together for 5 min.

2 tablespoons of butter

1 lb of sultanas or mixed fruit

When quite cold add

1 large teaspoon of bi carb. of soda

4 cups of S.R. flour

1 teaspoon of mixed spice

1 teaspoon of treacle

Mix wll and bake in warn oven for 1 1/2 hrs.

BOILED NUT LOAF Compliments of Kay Price

Heat in a saucepan

1 cup of milk

1/2 cup of golden syrup

1 small teaspoon of bi carb of soda

Place in a bowl

1 1/2 cups of S.R. flour

1 cup of mixed fruit

1/2 cup of walnuts

Mix together. Place in tins and cover with foil. Put in saucepan with water and boil for 1 hr.



8oz of S.R. flour/2 teaspoon of salt

2oz of castor sigar

1 egg

3 -5 tablepoons of milk

Use the well method.


1 1/2 cups of flour

1/4 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder

1/2 cup of butter

1 cup of sugar

2 eggs (well beaten)

1 tablespoon of cocoa

1/2 cup of walnuts

1/2 cup of sultanas

1/2 cup of milk

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla

Sift dry ngredients. Cream butter and sugar add eggs, cocoa mixed with a little milk, nuts and sultanas and beat well. Add flour and milk and vanill alternately and beat until smooth. Bake in paper cup containers in a hot oven.

CAKES FOR JELLY CAKES Compliments Mona Niccol

2 eggs in a cup

Fill the cup up with cream

3/4 cup of sugar

1 1/2 cups of S.R. flour Makes 1 1/2 doz


1/3 cup of butter

3 tablespoons of castor sugar

Few drops of vanilla essence

2 eggs

2 cups pl. flour

2 teaspoons baking power

1/2 to 2/3 cup milk


extra castor sugar

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in vanilla and eggs.

Fold in flour and baking powder alternately with milk to make dough fairly

stiff. Cook by dropping teaspoons of mixture in hot oil. Deep fry for 2-3″

until golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper, make slits in side of each

doughnut and pipe in jam, sprinkle with castor sugar and serve.

Makes approximately 1doz.


2 oz. butter

2 oz. of sugar

1 egg

3 oz, S.R. flour >>> Creaming method.

2 tablespoons of Plain flour

pinch of salt

1 tablespoon of milk

Pastry Cases

1 quantity of Rough puff Pastry

Line Pastry cases. Place 1/2 teaspoon of jam in base, then place 1 teaspoon of

cheese cake mix, on top. Finish with a cross of pastry. Mod oven 15-20 min.



2 cups of S.R.flour

1/2 cup of finely chopped parsely

1 teaspoon of salt and some frdshly cracked pepper

45 g. of finely chopped butter

1 clove of garlic, crushed

3/4 cup of grated tasty cheesre

3/4 up of milk (approx.)

Juice of 1/2 lemon

Sift flour, add parsely,salt and pepper and rub in butter, add cheese and garlic, milk with added lemon juice

Gather dough, do not kneed. Flatten and slash wedges across the top. Bake at 200C. for 25 -30 minutes. Tap on bottom to test for a hollow sound.


185 g S.R. flour

salt and pepper

1 cup of tasty cheese grated

1 egg


Sift flour salt and pepper into a bowl, add cheese.

Break egg into a cup and fill the cup with milk. Stir into the four and cheese. Divide mixture into 12 greased patty tins. Bake in a hot oven 230 C for 10 min. Split and butter while warm.

(When doubled, I round the flour to 400 g add 1 teaspoon of baking powder and a little extra milk, ? if fried bacon pieces could be added)


11/2 cups of S.R. Flour

1 t. spoon of baking powder.

1 cup of grated tasty cheese

1/2 cup of finely chopped ham

1 egg beaten

1 teasp of chopped parsley.

3/4 cup of milk

85g. of butter

Place dry ingredient bowl mix eggg milk and melted butter and add to dry

ingredients, makes 12 muffins. (fairly heavy – go easy on the cheese.)


1 1/2 cups of Pl. Flour

1 teaspoon of bi carb. of soda

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/2 cup of brown sugar

1 3/4 cups of unprocessed bran

125 g of chopped dated

1 egg lighly beaten

1 1/2 cups of buttermilk or soured milk

1/2 cup of oil

Sift together first three ingredient, add sugar bran and dates. Mix and make a well in the centre, add egg , oil and milk and mix. Cover and leave in the refridgerator overnight. Half fill well greased muffin tins. If using patty pans put less mixture in each. Bake for 15 -17 min. at 180C.


1 cup of All-bran

3/4 cup of milk


1/4 cup of softend butter

1 heaped cup of S.R. flour

1 teaspoon of baking powder

11/2 teaspoon of salt

1/4 cup of sugar

Combone milk and All-bran, leave to stand until the moisture has been absorbed, add the egg and softened butter and beat well together. Add sifted dry ingredients and comgbine well. Fill greased muffin tins 3/4 full and bake in amod. Oven for 30 min.



1 cup of grated cheese and 1 teaspoon of mustard add to the recipe. A square of cheese coiuld be placed on top of the muffins in the last 10 min. of baking


3/4 cup of sultanas and 1 teaspoon of mixed spice add to the recipe.


1/3 cup of honey with the milk. When the muffins are cooked they can be brushed with a little honey and crushed nuts sprinkled on top,

Jam or Marmalade

1 teaspoon of jam or marmalade at the base of each muffin tin.


1/4 cup of just melted butter

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

1 cup of milk

1 well beaten egg

1/4 cup of brown sugar

2 cups of S.R. fl

1 tablespoon of cocoa

1/2 cup of choc bits

Place ingredients I bowl in given order, mix, place in well greased patty tins. Bake at 180C for 20 to 30 minutes.


2cups of S.R. flour

1/4 cup of cocoa

1/2 cup of grapeseed oil

1/4 cup of sugar (could use more)

3/4 cup plus 1 tablespoon of low fat milk

2 teaspons of vanilla

2 large eggs

1/2 cup of choc chips. (Jens children like)


1 1/2 cips of Pl. Flour.

2 teaspoons of baking powder

1/4 cup of melted butter or bargarine

1/4 cup of castor sigar


1/2 teaspoon of vanilla essence

pinch of salt

1/2 cup of milk


Mix dry ingredients, then add the rest except the jam. Do not overbeat.

Half fill greased muffin or patty tin, place 1/2 teaspoon of jam in the centre of each muffin, then top with the remainder of the mixture. Bake at 200C for 12 to 15 min. Or until golden and well risen.


2 cups of S.R. flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

4 tablespoons of sugar (I have used brown)

1 teaspoon of cinnnamon

1cup of milk

4oz of melted butter

1 cup pf grated apples

Sift flour.salt,cinnamon and sugar. Add milk and beten egg, mix lighly and stir in melted butter and grated apple. Pourint gresed patty pans, filling 2/3 full. Bake in a hot oven for20 -25 min. Serve hot with buter


2 cups of S.R. flour

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

2 eggs

2 bananas pureed

2 oranges pureed

1/2 cup of grapeseed oil

1/4 to 1/2 cup of sugar or to taste

Orange juice to make to a good consistency.

Usual method…


12oz of S.R. flour

1/2 teaspoon of salt

4 oz of butter

2 tablespoons of milk

2 eggs and flavouring

Rub butter into flour, add sugar and beaten eggs, milk and flavouring. Bake in a fairly hot oven in spoonfulls on a greased tray for 10 to 15 min. In a 400C oven, or in 2 sandwich tins.

Rock buns

3 teawpoons of mixed spice and 6oz of mixed fruit.

Bake in a fairt


1 Tablespoon of butter

60g of sugar – salt

1 egg beaten

1 cup of mashed cooked pumpkin (I had 1/2 to 1/3)

250 – 280g of S.R flour

Beat butter sugar and salt add egg and pumpkin.

Stir flour in by hand. Bake at 220-230 for 15-20 min.



GINGER SLICE Margaret Holt

8oz of butter (Mum uses 6oz)

4 oz of castor sugar

8oz of plain flour

2 leval teaspoons of baking powder

2 leval teaspoons of ginger

1 teaspoon of grated orange rind

Press shortbread into a laminton tinand bake for 30 minutes


2oz of butter

6oz of icing sugar

2 teaspoons of ginger

1 leval tablespoon of goden syrup

1teaspoon of orange rind

1teaspoon of lemon rind

Cook over boiling water. Beat thoroughly until shiny. Pour over slice.


1 pkt of Marie Biscuits.

2 peppermint crisps


x with 1 tin of S.C. milk

Set in a tray and ice with

1oz of copha 1OOg. of chocolate


1/4 butter

3/4 cup sugar

1 egg

1 tbl spoon of golden syrup

1 1/2 cups P.fl.

1/4 ” S.R. fl.

1 cup sultanas

cherries and nuts

Cream butter and sugar mix egg, add golden syrup, sultanas and sifted flour.

CHERRY RIPE SLICE Compliments of Bernadette Harrington

1/2 lb of Energy chocolate

2 small eggs

1 cup of caster sugar

1 ” ” coconut

3oz of glace cherries, chopped

icing sugar

Melt chocolate, spread chocolate over the base of 11×7″ tin lined with foil.

refrigerate. Whisk eggs and sugar together until fluffy. Gently fold in

coconut and chopped cherries. Spread over chocolate and bake in a mod. oven

until topping is lightly golden and firm 15-2O”. Cool immediately in

fridge and when cold sprinkle with icing sugar and cut into fingers.


1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 ” peanut butter

1/2 ” honey

4 ” rice bubbles

1 ” chopped peanuts

Combine sugar, peanut butter and honey in a saucepan heat until it begins to


Stir in rice bubble and cut peanut, press into a lamington tin


1/2lb. Morning Coffee biscuits

2 cups coconut

1 tin S.C. milk

Juice of 2 lemons

4oz of copha

Line large Swi

fix this area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

simmer apricots for 2min. then drain

6oz of dried apricots (250g.) {water of when cool, combine chopped

2 cups of coconut {apricots with S.C. milk and coconut

3/4 ” ” S.C. milk (I used 3/4 of can) {and spread on base.


125g of cooking chocolate and 3og of copha, (I used 60g of copha)

Combine over a low heat.

APRICOT SLICE compliments Jeen Boatman.

4 oz. butter

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cup of milk >>>> usual method

1 ” ” P. flour

1 ” ” dried apricots

1/2 ” ” d. coconut

LEMON COCONUT SLICE Womens Weekly ——-have not tried

1 1/2 cups of Pl. Flour

1/3 cup of Pl. Flour

2 tablespoonsof custard powder

175 g of butter choped

1/2 cup of icing sugar

1 – 1/2 tablespoons of iced water

3/4 cup of Lemon butter


1 egg

1/3 cup of icing sugar

50 g of butter

1/3 cup coconut 1/4 cup of cream



2 oz. of butter

1/2 cup of S.C. milk

1 ” ” icing sugar Put on to a warm base

1 ” ” coconut

1 tablespoon of cocoa

BROWNIES Compliments Patricia Maguire

125g.butter (melt it)

3/4 cup of pl. flour

1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

1/3 cup of cocoa

1/2 teaspon of salt …………sift all together

2 eggs

1 cup of sugar

Beat eggs until fluffy, slowly beat in sugar, till blended stir in butter and

flour mixture. Can add vanilla, nuts and chocolate chips.

Bake in a moderate oven.



250G Copha

2 Cups Icing sugar

6 Tablespoons of Cocoa

4 Cups of Rice Bubbles

250G. of Marshmallows


115G. butter

2 tablespoons of cocoa

1 pkt. of crushed malt biscuits

1/2 tin condensed milk

1 pkt of chopped marshmallows

55g. of copha, melted

100g of dark chocolate

Melt butter, add cocoa and condensed milk. Stir well. Add biscuits and

marshmallows. Mix well. Press into a greased slice tin. top with melted copha

and chocolate mixed together.


125 g of butter

125 g of sugar

lemon essence


125 g of S.R. Flour

125 g of Pl. Flour

pinch of salt

100 ml of milk

1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger

1/2 teaspoon of cinamom

2 cups of dry stewed apples

Creaming method. Spread half of the mixure into a greased slice tin and place cold apples on top

then the remaining dough, seal togethet and prick with a fork.

Bake in a moderate oven for 30 minutes. When cold ice with lemon flavoured icing and sprinkle with cinnamon. Cut into squares to serve.

APPLE SLICE Compliments Val Tosch

I Cake mix

1 Cup of Coconut >>>Mix to a dough and bake for 15 min. at 180 C.

1/4 cup of Butter

1 small tin of pie Apples >>>Mashed.

300 ml. carton of sour cream >>>Stir cream and cover apples, sprinkle cinnamon

and bake for 5-10 min. till the cream sets.


115g. of butter

2 tablespoons of cocoa

1 packet of crushed malt biscuits (I did coarsely and liked)

1/2 tin of S.C. milk

1 pkt. of chopped marshmallows

55g. of copha melted >>or 3oz. copha and 1 cup of drinking chocolate

100g of chocolate

Melt butter and add cocoa and condensed milk. Stir in marshmallows. Mix well,

press into a greased slice tin. Top with melted copha and chocolate mixed together


1 cup of dried apricot chopped

2 cups of rice bubbles

1/2 cup of slivered almonds1/2 cup of of coconut 1/4 cup of icing sugar1/4 cup of cocoa2 tablespoons of (Nutella)125 g of copha melted100 g of dark chocolate melted100 g of white chocolate melted.Line base and sides of a 30 cm lamington tin with foil. Combine all ingredints, except the chocolate. Refredgerate for several hours, or until firm. Drizzle slice with white chocolate and then with dark chocolate. Refrigerate until set.

DUTCH GINGER SLICE Compliments of Wendy Heard1 3/4 cups of Pl. Fl.4 oz of glace ginger or apricots1 egg6 oz of butter1 cup of castor sugarAlmonds on topSoften butter. Sift flour and salt, add sugar and ginger Add softened butter and mix into ingredients, mix in beaten egg: keep one teaspoon of egg to glaze top before placing almonds on top. Bake in a 7″ X 11″ tin at 150C for 40 minutes. Note; do not bake too long as it goes hard.GINGER SLICE CWA125 g of butter125 g of sugar250 g of S.R. flour1/2 cup of golden syrup1 teaspoon of ginger2 small eggs125 g of preserved ginger, finely choppedCream butter and sugar, add eggs then golden syrup to creamed mixture, add dry ingredients and then preserved ginger. Grease a slice tinand bake 20 to 25 min. In a moderate oven. Ice with lemon icing and dot with preserved ginger. Cut into fingers when cool.


6 oz of butter 6 oz of plain flour 3oz of icing sugar 2 oz of cornflour 1 packet of Choc chips (I double and use a 300 g packet of choc chips = 40 – 42 biscuits) Creaming method, roll into small balls and flatten with a fork; bake in a slow to moderate oven for 10 – 15 minutes.



6 oz of butter 5 oz of S.R. fl. 3 oz of icing sugar 5 oz of cornflour vanillaSift icing sugar and add to softened butter. Beat until well creamed,flavour with vanilla. Stir in sifted flour and cornflour. Bake in a moderate oven for 20 – 25 minutes Decorate top with a small drop of chocolate icing MELTING MOMENTS 4 oz of butter2 tablespoonsx of sugar 1/2 cup of cornflour 1/2 cup of flour Orange Cream 1 oz of butter 3 tablespoons of icing sugar 1 teaspoon of grated prange rind 2 teaspoons of orange juice creaming method, bake 10 -12 minutes or until pale golden brown. Cool on trays. Join with orange cream. BRANDY SNAPS 1/3 cup of golden syrup 90 grams of butter 1/2 cup of sugar 9 tablespoons of Pl. Flour2 teaspoons of gingerOven 180C. Place syrup butter and sugar in a saucepan and melt and combine over a low heat. Remove from heat and add sifted flour and ginger.Stir until thoroughly mixed. Place on a greased oven tray in pieces the size of a walnut. Bake for 10 minute. Remove from the oven and roll quickly around the greased handle of a wooden spoon. When cold fill with whipped cream. FLORENTINES 75 g butter 100 g sugar 1 tablespoon of glace cherrries 1 tablespoon mixed peel 50 g of sultanas1 cup ( 100g ) of flaked almonds.1 tablespoon of cream400 g of chocolate Oven 190C. Melt buttr in a small saucepan, add sugar and bring to the boil. Remove from heat. Finely chop cherrries and mix peel. Add fruit and almond and mix well. Add cream. Place mix insmall heaps onbaking tray lined withbking paper. Flatten mix and bake until light brown in colour, about 8 – 10 minutes. While still hot ease in the edges with a circular biscuit cutter. When biscuits cool, melt chocolate in a double boiler over gentle heat and cover the bases with melted chocolate. BISCOTTI P W M U1 cup of castor sugar = 250 g.2 eggs 1/2 teaspoon of finely grated orange rind1 1/3 (200 g) of Pl fl.1/3 cup of S.R. flour2/3 cup ( 65 g ) almond meal1 cup of choc. Chips1/2 cup of glace cherriesPreheat oven to 180C. Whisk sugar, eggs and orange rind in a medium bowl. Add sifted flours and almond meal, chocolate chips and cherries. Mix to a sticky dough, divide in half and roll into logs 20 cm long. Place on greased oven trays and bake for 35 minutes or until lighly browned. Cool Using a sharp knife, slice logs diagonally into 1 cm thick slices. Place on an oven tray and bake in a slow oven 150C until dry and crisp, MRS FIELDS COOKIES Compliments of Scott Mc Conachie500g of butter2 cups of white sugar2 cup of brown sugar2 teaspoons of vanilla4 eggs 2 cups of S.R. fl375g of choc bits250g of milk chocolate chopped250g chopped pecans, walnuts, dried apricots, almonds (little)5 cups Homebrand quick cooking oats(Optional 3 tablespoons of cocoa if wanting chocolate)Cream butter, sugar and vanilla very well, add eggs. Fold in oatmeal, choc. Nuts and flour.Roll into ball, place on tray. 180C. For 15 – 20 minutes. Cool on tray SHIRLEY SHANONS ALMOND BREAD3 egg whitespinch of salt1/2 cup of castor sugar1 cup of Pl. Flour4 oz of unblanched almonds Mix like a scone dough. Bake in the lower part of a 175 C oven for 30 min. Turn out. Wrap in foil overnight. Slice very thinly. Bake ?140 C for 5 min. On one side and then 3 min. On the other side. ALMOND FINGER 1/2 lb of P. Flour1 egg1/4 of butter2 oz of castor sugar1 teaspoon of cream of tartar1/2 teaspoon of bi carb. of soda4 or 5 tablespoons of icing sugarBeat butter and sugar to a cream, add yolk and beat well then add flour. Mix with hands, the paste must be moist but very stiff; able to be rolled out.Beat egg white and add icing sugar, spread over paste and sprinkle with almond pieces. Cut into lenghs and bake in a moderate oven SWEETSLYNE JACOBSS ICE CREAMVanilla Icecream softenedCherry ripeAlmondsCherry liquor LEMON PIE G.GateLEMON TART Browns Bakery CHOCOLATE CHIFFON PIEORANGE CHIFFON TART 6 oz of butter 2 cups od pain flour 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 egg yolk1 tablespoon of watwer Usual method.Filling1/2 cup of orange juic2 tablespoons of lemon juicepinch of salt1/2 cup of sugar3 egg yolks1 1/2 dessertspoons of gelatine4 tablespoons of water1 tablespon of grated orange rind3 eg whites1/2 cup of sugarCombine gelatine and water and set aside. Put orange juice lemon juice salt and orange rind, 1/2 cup of sugar and beaten egg yolks in a double boiler and stir until the mixture coats the back of the spoon and thickens to custard consistency. Add soaked gelatine and stir while cooking. Beat egg whites and when fluffy and smooth gradually add 1/2 cup of sugar ( meringue consistency ). When egg mixture begins to thicken fold in egg whites.COOKING CLASS RECIPE WITH DRIED FRUIT AND /RUMNANNA APPLE CAKE Compliments Ethel Shaw6 stewing apples – a very little water to stew and sugar.1 cup of S.R. Flour1/2 cup of sugar1/2 cup of butter 1 egg 1 teaspoon of mix spice, a little ginger and cinnamon A small quantity of milk – about 1 tablespoon. Flatten half onto a dish, cook and when cooked take out and spread with apple.Put the rest of the mixture on top while still hot, then bake about 20 a moderate oven. CARAMEL CUSTARD P M W U1/2 cup of sugar2 tablespoons of water3 eggs1 tablespoon of sugar500 ml of milk 1/2 tespoon of vanilla essence 1/2 tespoon of grated numeg1/2 teaspoon of butterPlace sugar and water in a saucepan, stir sugar while dissolving, increase the heat without stirring until boiling and a pale amber colour. Pour quikly into a pie dish coating the sides. Beat eggs and sugar together lightly. Warm milk and add eggs mixture, add essence. Strain into pie dish, sprinkle with nutmeg, dot withbutter. Stand pie dish in a larger dish with some wateeer. Bake in preheated moderate oven for 180C for 45 minutes. MUMS CHOCOLATE CUSTARD compliments of Evelyn Maguire 2 cups of milk 1 egg1/3 cup of sugar1 tablespoon of cocoa1/2 teaspoon of coffee1 tablespoon of cornflour1 as above butterMix ugar and cocoa together add to cornflour, little milk and egg , beat well.Add this to hot, not boiling milk. Bring just to the boil stirring well. Lastly add a teaspoon of butter. FLOURLESS CHOCOLATE CAKE HOCOLATE MOUSSE4 eggs4 tablespoons of castor sugar3 oz of grated chocolate1 teaspoon of vanilla essence200ml. of cream or evap. milk usual method.4 teaspoons of gelatine = 1/2oz.4 tablespoons of water2 dessertspoons brandy. (Changes that worked) ——— 4 oz of chocolate 250 ml of cream very large eggs BOYSENBERRY MOUSSE450g. can of boysenberries3 eggs separated1/4 cup of sugar3 teaspoons of gelatin2 tablespoons of lemon juice.1/2 cup of thickened cream1 teaspoon of lemon juice extra.2 teaspoons of cornflour2 teaspoons of waterdrain boysenberries, reserve syrup. Beat egg yolks and sugar in small bowl until thick. add boysenberries , beat until combined. Dissolve gelatin in lemon juice over hot water; cool 5min. Stir gelatin into egg mix. transfer to a large bowl. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into boysenberry mix then fold in beaten cream.Combine juice, cornflour and extra lemon juice and heat till it thickens – serve with the mousse. PASIOFRUIT DELIGHT1 egg2 tablespoons of sugar1 cup of evaporated milk2 passionuit1 cup of wateer1 pkt. Lemon jelly crystalsBeat togethet egg and sugar, add evaporated milk and passionfruit pulp. Bring water and jellycrystals to boil in a pan stirring constantly. Remove pan from heat, immediately add beaten egg and milk to hot jelly. Stir well, pour into serving dish or indiviual glass dishes. Chill serve wirh cream or ice cream. PASSIONFRUIT AND LEMON DELICIOUS 3/4 Cup of sugar 1/4 (as above) Pl Flour Grated ring of 1 lemon 2 tbl. spoons of lemon juice 2 passion fruit if large or 3 if small ones6O g. of butter3 eggs1 1/2 cups of milk An additional 1/4 cup of sugar Method – Mix sugar, flour, lemon juice and rind and passion fruit pulp in aa large bowl. Melt butter gently and add to the mix. Beat egg yolks and add to mix. Heat milk in saucepan till tepid add to mix and beat for 3O Whip egg whites until foamy and hold soft peaks beat in the 1/4 cup of sugar.Take a couple spoons of egg white mix and fold into the lemon mix.Then fold in the remainder of the egg white mix., taking the spoon to the bottom of the bowl. Pour mix. into a greased 4 cup capacity shallow greaseddish; stand in a container of warm water and bake in a mod. oven until the top firm to touch, approximately 25 min. CUSTARD PASSIONFRUIT TARTSweat short crust pastryCreme Patissiere (custard) G.Gate recipe2 tins of passionfruit pulp1 rounded tablespoon of sugar1 tablespoons of lemon juice1 egg yolk1 1/2 tablespoons of cornflour in 1/2 cup+ waterApprox 1/2 oz of butterBlend and cook over heat while, stirring constantly, until it just boils. Cool to just slightly warm and spread over cooled custard mixture and place in the refridgerature to set.(Best day of preperation and evening after, started to lose flavour the longer it was kept) CREME PATISSIERE (FRENCH CUSTARD) makes about 3 cups.2 cupsof milk 1/4 vanilla pod4 (60g.) egg yolks 100g. of sugar50g. of P. flour Bring milk to the boil with the vanilla pod in a medium saucepan.Meanwhile whisk egg yolk and sugar for about 4 minutes, then mix in flour well. Pour hot milk slowly into the egg mixture, whisking well. It is easier if one has someone to help with this step. Return the milk mixture to medium heat whisking constantly, it takes only a few minutes for a custard consistncy to occurr. Tranfer to a bowl and whisk again to make it smooth. Allow it to cool with a plastic film covering it, refridgerate. CREME PASTERIE Compliments of Suzy Atkinson4 eggs6 tbl spoons flour6 (as above) sugar1 heaped tbl spoon of gelatin1/2 pint of milk1/4 (as above) creamvanilla essenceCombine yolks flour and sugarStir gelatin into other mix.Bring milk to boil, add mix., then return to boil.Beat egg whites Fold into whipped cream CHOCOLATE SAUCE Compliments of Suzy Atkinson4 oz of chocolate.1/2 pt water2 tbl spoons coffee1 1/2 tbl spoons of cream3/4 butterCombine chocolate coffee and water until melted. MUM LEMON MERINGUE PIE Lemon filling4 oz of sugart6 tablespoons of water2 eggs1 1/2 oz of butter1 tablespoon of cornflourgrated juice and rind of 2 lemonsBlend all ingredients, stir until it reaches boiling point, remove from heat.Meringue2 egg whites2 oz dd lemon rind, juice and sugar.Cool slightly and pour into baked pastry case. MARGARET FULTONS LEMON FILLING ( Good for small tarts, smooth and creamy )3 egg yolks1/2 cup of sugar2 tablespoons of flourgrated rind and juice of 2 lemons ( go easy on the lemon rind )4 tablespoons of waterMix flour, egg yolks sugar and lemon rind in the top of a double saucepan.and gradually add in lemon juiuce and water. Cook, stirring constantly, over boiling water until mixture is smooth and thick, cool and pour into pie shell. LEMON CURD1 Kg of castor sugar6OO g. of butter75O egg yolksJuice and rind of 24 small lemonsMelt butter, sugar juice and rind in Bain-Marie, add beaten eggs and stiruntil it thickens, (do not boil), strainMUMS MERINGUE4 eggspinch of salt2 tablespoons of water3/4 cup of sugarCombine egg whites, water and salt in a small bowl of an electric mixerBeat at a high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, beat well until sugar dissolved. Spoon on top of pie filling, spreading meringue to the edges of pie to seal. Peak meringue decoratively with a knife. Bake in a moderat oven for 5 – 10 minutes or until lightly browned. This is for q lqrge pie and could eqsily be halved.MERINGUE ITALIANNO1/4 pt of egg white1O oz of sugarMethod- Put sugar in saucepan, mix with a little water, until sugar is saturated, boil sugar until it begins to change colour.Whisk egg whites to a stiff point and gradually pour in sugar, still keeping theegg whites whisking on a lower speed until meringue is cold.FRANGIPANI PIE1 pie shellPineapplie layer 450g can of crushed pineapple 1/4 cup of cornflour 1/4 cup of water 2 egg yolksCoconut Cream Layer 1 1/2 cups of milk 3/4 cup of sugqr 1/4 cup of cornfour 1/4 cup of water 1 cup of dessicated cococnut 1 tablespoon of butter 1 teaspoon of vanilla Meringue Layer 2 egg whited 4 tablespoons of sugar Assemble Pie1. Spoon 1/2 of the coconut mix. Into the pie shell.2. Add pineapple layer. 3. Top with remaining coconut cream.4. Meringue layer. APPLE CRUMBLE WITH OATS AND HONEY 1 Kg. of cooking apples1/2 teaspoon cinnamongenerous pinch of cloves 3O g. of butter melted 2 tablespoons of honey 1/3 cup of water.Topping1/2 cup of flour3/4 (as above) rolled oats1/2 (as above) desiccated coconut45 g. (as above) Butter2 tbl. spoons of honey1 (as above) (as above) water2 (as above) (as above) finely chopped blanched almondsMethod – Peel apples and place in a large casserole dish with cinnamon, cloves, butter and honeyPlace dry ingredients in a bowl. Melt butter until bubbly at the edges, add honey and water blend, pour over dry ingredients and almonds mix well well. Spoon over apples evenly press to coat. Bake approx 3O to 35 min. in a mod. oven, test if apples cooked with a skewer. Apple mix.75O g. apples2 thin strips of lemon rind.4 whole cloves3 tbl. spoons of brown or white sugar.CHOCOLATE FLUFF1tbsp cornflour3 tsp cocoa1/2 tsp instant coffee600ml milk Make chocolate sauce and add egg yolks and softened gelatine. 3 tbsp sugar When nearly set fold in whipped egg whites. Serve with cream 3 tsp gelatine chantilly.2 eggs seperated EVAPORATED MILK CAKE1 packet of chocolate ripple biscuits1 tin of evaporated milk (chilled)1 cup of sugar (can be halved, I used 2/3)8 level teaspoons of gelatin (go lightly ? 6)1 teaspoon of vanilla essence. Melt gelatin in 3/4 water and let cool. Beat evap. milk till thick thenadd melted gelatin and vanilla. Mix well. Grease a spring form pan, add layer of mixture, then a layer of biscuits, repeat and then mixture on top. Chill overnight, add fruit and cream on top.HOT TOFFEE SAUCE2OO ml. of cream25O g. of unsalted butter4OO g. of brown sugarvanilla Melt butter and sugar together, add cream and vanilla and gently bring to a simmer. LEMON TART BROWNS BAKERY (Mrs Rouxs)LEMON TARTPROFITEROLES G.GATEBAKED CHEESE CAKE FILLING1 cup of riccotta chedse1 cup of cream cheese2 eggs1/2 cup of sugar2 ( 40 ml ) tablespoons of lime juice 2/3 cup (170 ml ) of passionfruit pulpBlend in a food processor. Bake 15 minutes, when ready the topping should be firm. Serve warm or cod.SPANISH CREAMLEMON JELLYLEMON SNOW COLD LEMON SOUFFLE3 eggs seperted3/4 cup of castor sugargrated rind and strained juice of 2 lemons2 teaspoons of gelatine3 tablespons of water3/4 cup of lightly whipped cream or substitute whipped evaporated milkBeat egg yolks in a large heat proof bowl,adding sugar gradually until mixture is thick and a pale lemon coloured. Add lemonrind and juice. Whisk over simmering water until thick and light. Remove from heat and whisk for a few minutes longer. Soften gelatine in water. Add to egg mixture. Fold cream into miture and then stiffly beaten egg whites. Spoon into prepared souffle bowl or into indiviul dishes. Chill to set. PASSIONFRUIT DELIGHT1 egg2 tablespoons of sugar1 cup of evaporated milk2 passionfruit1 cup of water1 packet of lemon jelly crystalsBeat together egg and sugar, add evaporated milk and passionfruit pulp. Bring water and jelly crystals to boil, stirring constantly. Remove pan from heat, immediately add beaten egg an milk to hot jelly. Stir well, pour into glass dishes. Chill, serve with cream. Serves 4. PASSIONRUIT MOUSSE3/4 Cup of Passionfruit – a small can 170g.3-4 tbsp of castor sugar (soak in the passionfruit)1 tbsp of gelatine2 tbsp lemon juice usual method2 tbsp hot water3/4 cup of orange juice (add to the gelatine mix.)2 egg whites1 cup cream (Mums) PUDDINGSMUMS APPLE CRUMBLE3 oz of S.R. flour3 (as above) Pl. flour pinch of salt4 oz of butter2oz of castor sugar1 1/12 lb. Of applesRub in butter method until miture looks olike bread crumbs. APPLE CRUMBLEStewed apples1 cup of bread crumbs1/3 cup of brown sugar1/3 (as above) desiccated coconut.9O g. (as above) butterMethod – Melt butter in a saucepan, add to the crumb mix and mix with a forkScatter over apple and press down lightly. Bake mod oven 2O-25 min. GINGER PUDDING2 tablespoons of butter2 tablespoons of golden syrup melt together3/4 cup of milk1cup of S.R. flour1/2 teaspoon of bi carb. of soda1 leval teaspoon of ginger Makes a thin mixture, steam for 1 1/2 hours. ( Can add a beaten egg to above mixture)STICKY DATE PUDDING Compliments of Anne Woodside34O g. of chopped dates2 teaspoons of bi carb of soda5OO ml of water12O g. of diced butter34O g. (as above) brown sugar4 lightly beaten eggs4OO g. of S.R. flour1 teaspoon of vanillaChop dates and mix with bi carb and water in a saucepan and boil until dark and soft, while still warm add butter and brown sugar and stir well until dissolved and melted. CoolAdd lightly beaten eggs, flour and vanilla – beat well.Grease and line 24 c.m. round cake tin.Bake for about 1 hr. in a mod/slow oven (14O C.).Serve warm with hot toffee sauce.FRUIT UPSIDE DOWN CAKE3 oz of brown sugar1 tablespoon of butterpieces of fruit e.g. pineapple pear etc.Foundation steam pudding mixtureCream butter and sugar, place in a greased cake tin. Arrange pieces of fruit on top and place founttion steam puuding mixture over fruit.. Bake in a moderate oven for approximately 40 min. Allow to stand in tin for 3 – 4 minutes before inverting on a serving dish.FOUNDATION STEAM PUDDING2 oz of butter2 oz of sugar4 oz of S.R. flour2 tablespoons of m9ilk1 eggCreaming method. Steam from 2 -3 hr.VARIATIONSDevon – add 2 tablespoons of sultanasCollege – add 2 tablespoons of jam to the bottom of the steaming bowl.Date – add 4 oz of chopped datedCoconut pudding – add 3 tablespoons of coconut and 2 tablespoons more of milk amd 4 drops of alomond essenceChocolate – add 1 tablespoon of cocoa and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla. Steam 1 1/4 hrs. to 1 1/2 hrs.THIRTY MINUTE PUDDING1 dessertsooon of sugar1 dessertspoon of butter5 oz of S.R. flour1 egg beaten with 1 gill of milk (125 ml).Creaming method. Steam for 30 minutes. Can put jam in the base of the steaming bowl.BERNADETTES GINGER PUDDING2 tablespoons of butter2 tablespoons of golden syrup melted together3/4 cup of milk1 cup of S.R.flour1/2 teaspoon of soda1 leval teaspoon of ginger Makes a thinmixture, can add a beaten egg. QUEEN PUDDING4 oz of bread or cake crumbs1 pint of milk (600 ml)1 tablespoon of sugarrind of 1 lemon2 eggs pinch of salt2 tablespoons of castor sugarBring the milk to the boil, pour over the sugar and crumbs, ad lemon rind and beaten yolks; put into a buttered piedish and stand it in a baking dish containing about 2 inches of water (5 cm). Bake in a moderate oven for about 30 min., or until the centre is quite firm. Take outand spreadc jam over the top. Whip the egg whites stiffly and gradually add the castor sugar, spread on top and return to a cool oven and bake until crisp and a pale fawn colour. Chocolate sauce or lemon sauce may be used instead of jam.COCONUT BREAD PUDDING1 cup of cocnut1 pint of breadcrumbs (600)1200 ml of milk1/2 cup of sugar3 eggs2 tablespoons of butter1/4 teaspon of saltnutmeg to sprinkle on top.Soak bread and coconut in some of the milk for 15 – 30 minutes then add remaining combined ingredients.Bake in a slow oven for about an hour. Good with stewed fruit in winter.BAKED APPLES KATES CHOCOLATE SELF SAUCING PUDDINGEASY SAGO PLUM PUDDING Nursing Mothers Asssociation3 tablespoons of sago soaked 2 hours or overnight in a cup of milk1 cup of raisins1 cup of sultanas1/2 cup of sugar or less if preferred (I use brown sugar)1 1/2 cups of bread crumbs (preferably wholemea;)1 tablespoon of butter1 teaspoon of bi-carb of sodaa little spice if desiredMix all ingredients. Dissolve soda in butter, mix well with other ingredients. Steam in greased mould for 3-4 hours. MY FRUIT PUDDING6 cups of bread crumbs3eggs3 cups of milk6 tablespoons of S.R. fl.8cups of dried fruit3oz of butter3 teaspoons of sod. Bi carb.1 1/2 cups of dark brown sugar GRANDMA MAGUIRES BREAD PUDDING1 quart of bread crumbs3 cups of milk 1 teaspoon of vanila 3eggs1/2 cup of sugar 3/4 cup of sultanasa little saltBeat eggs, add sugar, then salt and milk. Mix in bread crumbs and sultanas. Put in a basin and steam for one hour and serve with lemon sauce.LEMON SAUCE3/4 cup of sugar 1 1/4 tablespoons of cornflour1 1/4 cups of boiling water1 1/2 tablespoos of butter1 1/4 tablespoons of lemon juice and a little grated rindsome nutmegBoil 5 minutes.GOLDEN SYRUP DUMPLINGS1 tablespoon of butter1 cup of S.R. fl Well method. 1eggSmall amount of milk SYRUP1 cup of wate1/2 cup of sugar Simmer for 20minutes befor adding dumplings2 tablespoons of golden syrupKATES CHOCOLATE SELF SAUCING PUDDING1 cup of S.R.flour3/4 cup of sugar2 tablespoons of coca1/2 cup of milk1 teaspoon of vanilla30 g of melted butter3/4 cup of brown sugar, firmly packed1/4 cup of cocoa extra1 3/4 cups of boiling waterWell method. Bake in a moderate oven for 50 minutes. Test cake with skewer.CHOCOLATE SELF SAUCING PUDDING6O g. of butter1/2 cup of sugar1 egg1 cup of S.R. flourpinch of salt usual method4 teaspoons of cocoa1/2 cup of milk1/2 teaspoon of vanillaTopping1/4 cup of brown sugar4 teaspoons of cocoa Top sponge with sugar and cocoa mix. and2 cups of boiling water pour boiling water over. Bake 18O C. for 35 to 4O min. CHOCOLATE SELF SAUCING PUDDING (MUMS)3 oz. of S.R. Flour1 tablespoon of cocoa1/2 teaspoon of instant coffee.4 oz. of butter3/4 cup of sugar2 eggs slightly beatenvanilla1 – 2 tablespoons of milk2/3 cup of brown sugar1 tablespoon of cocoa1 cup of boiling water Cream butter and sugar add vanilla, add 3/4 beaten eggs then 1/3 of flour, add remaining eggs and flour. Bake mod oven about 35 min.BUTTERSCOTCH SELF SAUCING PUDDING1 cup of S.R. fl3/4 cup of sugar1/2 teaspoon of salt55g of butter1/2 cup of milk SAUCE2 tablespoons of golden syrup1 1/2 cups of hot water30g of butterPlace al ingredients inoo a large bowl and mix until smooth. Place mixture into a deep casserole dish. Poace all sauce ingredients in a saucepan, stir over a low heat until the butter melts. Gently pour the sauce over the pudding mixture. Bake at 180C for 30 – 35 minutes. SPICEY PECAN PIE90g. of butter90g. of sugar125g S.R. flour60g of Pl. flour usual pastry methodpinch of salt Roll out to 20c.m. round, spread round a1 egg yolk sandwich tin and press firmly to sides1 dessertspoon of water and base. Spread lightly with jam andsqueeze of lemon juice filling. Bake in a mod. oven for 25-30 min.Filling60g. of butter60g of castor sugar Cream butter and sugar, add egg and egg 1 whole egg + 1 egg white white gradually. Add dry ingredients 90g. of S.R. flour alternately with milk, fold in choppedpinch of salt pecans. 1 teaspoon of mix spice1 (as above) cinnamon N.B. Nuts must be fresh.1 1/2 tablespoons of milk100g of pecansraspberry or other suitable jam. MANGO AND PASSINFRUIT CREAMS1 3/4 cups of cream1/2 cup S.C. milk440 g. can of mango slices drained (light syrup)1/3 cup of passionfruit pulpBeat cream and S.C milk together until thickPuree mango and passionfruit pulp together and mix half through cream mixtureSwirl remaining pulp through or use for decoration.Can be decorated with toasted almonds. APRICOT SOUFFLE 1 1/2 oz butter 45g. 1 tblsp flour 20 dried apricots covered with water and softened with 1/2 cup sugar. Puree and add to flour and butter mix then add 4 eggs yolks plus enough milk to make a good consistency, 1/4 cup +.5 egg white. Cook at 200C. for 10 to 15min. (I guess 12 min) PASSIONFRUIT SOUFFLE 1 Can of passionfruit + milk to 1 cup volume1 1/2 oz of butter1/2 cup of sugar1 tbsp of flour4 eggs yolks5 egg whites BAVARIAN CREAM100G. of plain Chocolate1/2 litre of milk (scant)15G of gelatine150ml of strong black coffee5 eggs150G castor sugar1/2 teaspoon 0f corflour2 tb of brandy or other liqueur2 tb praline (optional)150ml of double ceam Melt chocolate in milk. Sprinkle gelatine on coffee to softenSeparate eggs. Beat 1/2 of the sugar and cornflour with the yolks untill thick.Assemble custard. Heat coffee to dissolve the gelatine, add to custard.When custard cool but not set, fold in egg whites whipped with remaining sugar,then fold in whipped cream. Leave to set for 2hrs.JEAN QUICK SWEETS1 tin of sweetened condenced milk1 jar of cream whipped (perhaps chilled evaporated milk could be substituted) 1/2 cup of lemon juiceadd fruit (I found a bit too sweet and a little heavy) PASTRYCHAMPAGNE PASTRY OR SHORT CAKE 4 oz of butter4 ox of sugar4 oz of S.R. flour 4 oz of Pl. flour1 eggvanillaRub in method. Bake at 400 F. till golden brown. May be used for tarts or split and used for strawberries or other fruit.MUMS SHORT CRUST PIE PASTRY150g of butter300g of Pl. Fl.150g of icing sugar2eggsUse mixmaste or rub butter into flour. Add egg yolks,(add another egg yolk or a little milk if too dry. FRITTERS PANCAKES AND OMELETTESBASIC FRITTER BATTER4 oz of S.R. flourpinchof salt125 ml of tepid wter1 tablepoon of oil or butter1 egg whiteWell method. Add stiffly beaten egg white just prior to using.BAKED LEMON DELICOUS PUDDING Nursing Mothers association2 oz of butter5 oz of sugar1/2 pint of milkRind and juice of 1 lemon3 eggs1 1/2 oz of flourpinch of saltCream butter and sugar, add grated lemon rind. Beat and add egg yolks. Fold in sifted flour and salt with the milk. Add lemon juice. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into a greased oven proof dish.Bake at 350F. For 40 – 50 minutes. Serve hot or cold. CHRISTMAS COOKING MY MINCE MEAT 1 1/2 lb of raisins1 lb of mixed peal 1 lb of sultanas1 lb of currants2 lb of apples1 lb of suet finely chopped (minced), ( I have also used butter)1 1/2 lb of dark brown sugarRind and juice of a lemon and an orange1 oz of mixed spice1/2 oz of n hel Shaw (Nanna) ? Her mothers recipe 1 lb of suet1/2 lb of P. Flour1/2 lb of S.R. fl.1lb of brown sugar1lb of currents (as above) sultanas (as above) raisins (as above) Mixed peel ? 3 oz!/2 of a small container of mixed spice1 1/2 teaspoons of salt1lb of bread1 tablespoon of treacle 1/2 cup of brandy1 cup of milkalmonds 8 eggs GRANDMOTHER MAGUIRES CHRISTMAS CAKE Compliments of Grace Maguire! lb. of butter or a little more 1lb. of sugar ( probably dark brown, cake used to be very dark) 1lb and 2 oz of flour, 1/2 cup of it S.R. flour1 teaspoon pf nutmeg1 teaspoon of cinnamon1 teaspoon of all spice1 teaspoon of ginger1 tablespoon of treacle9 eggs1 pound of sultanas1 pound currants1 pound of raisins4 oz of mixed peelGrace puts 4 oz of cherries and 4oz of almonds6 tablespoons of sherry. Grandma had 2 tablespoons of sherry.Prepare fruit the day before – sherry over the fruit and cover bowland leave overnight.Shift dry igredients 3 times.Beat butter and sugar add eggs with a sprinkle of flour, add essences and treacle and fold in fuit with a sprinkle of flour, then fruit with another sprinkle of flour on the fruit, it will keep the fruit up in the cake if it is floured.Bake at 275F for at least 4 hours.Bake at 140C for 4 hours.This cake seems to take a good 4 hours to cook in the electric oven.Preheat the electric oven to 325F or !60C.The C.W.A. recipe for a half pound cake was the same as this but had 3 tablespoons of sherry. That is where I got the 4 oz chereies and 4 oz almonds from.The C.W.A. recipe has 10 oz of plain flour (20 oz to a pound cake) and 1 leval teaspoon of baking powder.That is 2 oz more flour to a pound cake mixture. NANNAS CHRITMAS CAKE 8 oz of butter 8 oz of brown sugar 1 desserspoon of grated orange rind Nanna does not put in 1 teaspoon of lemon rind Nanna does not put in. 5 eggs 8 oz of pain flour 2 oz of S.R. flour1 teaspoon of mixed spice1 teaspoon of cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1 lb. of sultanas 12 oz of raisin s6 oz of dates Nanna does not put in 4 oz of currents 2 oz of mix peel 2 oz of cherries 3 oz of almonds 4 tablespoons of brandy rum or shery. Preheat oven to 325F 9 inch tin. Reduce temperature to 275F and put into the coolest part of the oven. Bake 4 -4 1/2 hours. JEAN BOATMANS SHORTBREAD2 cups of Pl. Flour1/2 lb of butter1/2 cup of icing sugarRoll, refridgerat, cut and cook MAIN MEALS MEAT DISHESBAKED STEAK Nursing Mothers Association ——– I have not tried Rub steak in gravey mix, salt, pepper, and dot with butter. Place in a casserole and bake for in a slow oven for 3/4 hr. SEASONED STEAK P M W U750 g steak1 packet of french onion soup Place steak on foil, dot with butter, seal securely. Place on a tray and cook in a peheated hot oven 2ooC for 45 minutes to 1 hourVariationsSliced onion, onion rings, mushrooms, sliced capsicums or celery may be added to the foil parcels.MEAT LOAF Nursing Mothers Association ——- I have not tried1 lb of minced steak2 rashes of bacon (chopped )1/2 packet of dried onion mix8 oz of cheesemix all ingredients until cheese is absorbed into meat, place into greasd meat loaf tin.. bake at 180C for 1 1/2 hrs. BAKED CHOPS Womens Weekly —— I have not tried8 chps1/3 cup of tomato paste1 tablespoon of worchestershire suce1 (as above) (as above) light soy sauce1 clove of garlic1 tablespoon of grain mustard2 (as above) (as above) brown sugar2 (as above) (as above) Honeyherbs to garnish Bake 30 minutes POTATO MOUSSAKA3 medium or 2 large potatoes peeled and sliced 1 cm thickoil2 onions500 g of minced steak1 clove of garlic3 tablespoons of tomato paste1/2 cup of beef stock1 tablespoon of chopped parslypepper2 eggs1 tablespoon of plain flour1 cup of plain yoghurt 4 tablespoons grated cheeseTopingBeat eggs, add plain flour and yoghurt.Main dishLightly boil potatoes and allow to cool.Chop onions and fry gently in oil without browning. Add beef and stir constantly on high heat until brownAdd crushed garlic and tomato paste, stock parsly and pepper.Simmer 15 minutes.In a greased dish alternate layers of potato and meat mixture. Pour over topping and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake in a hot oven 400F for 30 – 45 minutes or until the top is brown. 4 servings. RISSOLS600g of minced meat1 desserstpon of dried basil1 small dessertspoon of mixed herbs1 large onion! tablespoon of tomato sauce1 tablespoon of Worchestershire saucesalt and pepper 2 – 3 slices of bread1 large tablespoon of flourcarnation milk to combineSoak bread in milk.Dip rissols in cold water before rollinging in flour to prevent cracking. Some like nutmeg and mustard in mixtureHONEY LEMON CHICKENI kg chicken pieces2 tablespoons of soya sauce1 tablespoon of dry sherryjuice of 2 lemons ( I uaed 3 tablepoons of commercial juice )2 – 3 tablespoons of honey ( I used 3 )2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, for frying1 teaspoon of fresh chopped ginger (Perhaps a little too strong)1 teaspoon of chopped garlic1/4 teaspoon of salt1 1/2 cups of chicken stock ( 375 ml )1 tablespoon of cornflour blended with 2 tablespoons of waterslices of fresh lemon to garnishPierce chicken pieces with a skewer. Combome soya sauce, lemon juice, honey and sherry. Let chicken pieces stand in mixture for 30 minutes.Heat oil add ginger garlic and salt. Add drained chicken pieces and brown evenly. Pour off excess oil add marinade and stock. Simmer until tender. Remove chicken and place on a serving platter. Stir blended cornfour into sauce. When boiling strain and pour over chicken pieces. Garnish with lemon. Serves 6. CHOW MEIN 1 tablespoon of oil1 cup of water5OOg (as above) minced beef1 onion cut into 8 wedges1 packet of chicken noodle soup2 teaspoons of curry powder5 cups of assorted vegetables (Suggestion, 2 sticks of celery cut into wedges, 2 cups of finely shredded cabbage, 1 cup of sliced green beans, 2 medium carrots cut into julienne strips and one small capsicum. JO-ANNES CASSEROLEMinces meat1 cup of cooked rice (as above) (as above) water1 small onion –spoon of chopped parsleysalt and pepper1 packet of chicken noodle soup Method – Take tablespoon of mince and shape into balls, roll in seasoned flour, heat oil and butter in pan, add meat balls, fry until golden brown. Put meat balls, dry chicken soup, water, rice, peeled and chopped onion, parsley, salt and pepper in an oven proof dish. Stir lightly to combine. Cover and bake in mod. oven for 45 min. BEEF BOURGUIGNON 2 -21/2lb of rump steak 1 tablespoon of Tom. Pureeflour, salt and pepper 3/4 pint of reds wineOil 4oz of button mushrooms4 tablespoons of brandy 1/2oz of butter and 1/2oz of flour 4oz. of bacon (to thicken casserole)4oz. of button onions 1/2oz of brown sugar1 clove of garlic ParsleyMethod – usual. Cook in a slow oven for about 21/2hrs. Add thickening and cook another 1/2hr. Sprinkle with parsley before serving. RABBIT CASSEROLE3 Rabbits jointed7 Rashers of bacon1 1/2 cups red wine3 small cloves of garlic2 very large onions4 tablespoons of tomato paste1 teaspoon of dried thyme3 smallish bay leavesvery generous quantity of fresh parsleysalt and pepper mushrooms if wantedUsual method, bake 1 1/2 to 2 hr. BEEF STROGANOFF750G beefsalt and pepper1 tablespon of flour2 med. onion60g. of butter250g. of button mushrooms finely sliced1 tablespoon of tomato paste2/3 cup of sour creamhot boiled riceSeason strips of meat. Fry onions until just coloured – 10 min. Add mushroomsand fry for just a few minutes. Put onions and mushrooms aside and fry meat in a hot pan briskly for 3 to 4 min. Return onions and mushrooms with plenty of salt and pepper. Shake all together over heat for 1 min. and then add tomato paste and sour cream, then cook for a few min. until heated through. Serve at once or keep warm by standing in hot water for 15 -20 min. Serve with rice or noodles. BEEF STOGANOFF750 g topside steak60 g of butter1 clove of garlic crushed1 1/2 cups of water2 tsp of paprikaground pepper1/4 cup of Carnation milk2 beef stock cubes crmbled2 onions2 tbsp of flour2 tbsp of tomato paste250 g of mushrooms slicedSlice steak into thin strips and an fry in two batches for 2minutes each. Fry onions and garlic for 2minutes. Return meat to pan. Stir in flour and cook for 1 minute. Gradually stir in water and tomato paste, bring to boil add stock cube, paprika and pepper. Simmer with meat and onions for 40 minutes (covered). Add mushrooms and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Stir in Carnation milk and stir until it boils and then serve with buttered noodles. Serves 4MY BEEF STROGANOFF750 g Scotch Fillet2-3 rashers of baconFlour for flouring meatOil for frying2 cloves of garlic2 med onions2 teaspoons of papricaGround pepper and salt Use the simmer method and serve with buttered noodles.3 beef cubes (Dinner party quality)2 tablespoons of tomato paste250 g of mushroons sliced across1/2 cup cream1/2 cup carnation milk. CURRIED RISSOLES1 kg of mince2 cloves of garlic 1 onion1 small green pepper finely chopped2 tablespoons of fresh parsley2 eggs lightly beaten usual method1 cup of bread crumbs1 tablespoon of curry powder or to taste.2 as above pl. flouroil and butter for cooking. APRICOT CHICKENOil 1.5 kg of chicken1 packet of French Onion soup450 ml of apricot nectar1cup of dried apricots IRENES CHICKEN BREASTS7 Chicken Breasts ………….brown in pan1 Large/med. Onion ……….. fry in pan1 Can of Chicken Soup ………mix with 1/2 a soup can of Milk6 Button mushrooms (large) …..sliced 4 Slices of Bread ………… crumbedGrated Cheese ……………..mixed with crumbsBake in a mod. oven for about 1 hour. KATES CHICKEN STIR FRYMarinate chicken cut into strips in chicken marinadewhite wineonion and garlicJulienne carrot, capsicum and snow peas. Cook quickly add some of remaining marinade before serving as a sauce. Serve with rice.QUICK BRAISED STEAK2 Large slices of Topside (browned)1 (as above) Onion1/2 packet of French Onion Soup Mix – sprinkled under and over steak in a dish.1 tablespoon of Tomato PasteMix of desired vegetables and water to cover, bake approx. 1hr. with foil over dish. MUSHROOM CASSEROLE2 1/2 lb of steakSalt and pepperOil 4 rashers of bacon8 oz. of mushrooms1 large clove of garlic2 medium onions2 tb. of tomato puree1/2 pint of claret1 tb of dried parsly. Usual method. Serve with pasta.MY CURRY 2 lbs of steak2 large carrots4 sticks of celery1 large onion 1teaspoon of salt1 cup of water1 deertspoon of curry (do to personal taste kind of curry)1 tablespoon of goden syrup Juice of one lemon2 taablespoons of flour1 cooking apple10 oz of tomato soup or 2 generous tablespoons of tomato paste.Usual method.BEEF AND RED WINE CASSEROLE1 kg of diced beef9 rashers of bacon, chopped4 good tablespoons of tomato paste4 tablespoons of oil4 carrots thickly sliced12 small onions or three medium to large onions2 cups of beef stock2 cups of red wine (Could cut back on, depending on taste)4oo g. Of button mushroomsOven 180 C. Coat beef in oil and fry in a hot pan. Reduce heat and add remaining oil, bacon, onion, carrots and tomato paste and saute until fragrant. Add stock and red wine, bring to boil and pour into a casserol. Cook in oven for 1 1/2 hours. Add the mushrooms, cover and cook for a further 20 min. Serve with creamy mashed potatoes and snow peas. (On reheating casserols with wine the meat tends to break up)BEEF AND MUSHROOMS RAGOUT750 g. Of veal steak2onionscan of tomato soup2 cups of boiling water2 chichen stock cubes2 green peppers125g small mushrooms1 teaspoon of paprikaMethod according to quality of meet. Simmer on stove top for one hour if using veal. Casserol method if usng beef.STOGANOFF STYLE CHICKEN 3 large chicken breastsham, diced1 can of chicken and mushroom soup3/4 soup can of milk2 tablespoon of tomato paste2 teaspoons of Hungarian sweet paprika2 medium onionsmushroomsextra water to make mix. A good consisteny.Usual method. Mix. Looked pinkish when put in the oven but agood colour to serve.CHICHEN AND MUSHROOM RAGOUTchicken1 1/2 onions2 sticks of celery1 red capsicumsmall button mushrooms, approx.125 g.1 can of tomato soup 2 cloves of garlic1 teaspoon of paprika1 dessersooon of brown sugarUsual mthod. PASTA MY SPAGHETTI SAUCE1 kg. minced beef,2 largish onions,2 cloves of garlic,4-5 rashers bacon,1 tin of tomato puree,2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste,1 capsicum,oregano.quantity of stuffed olives (nice combination with mix.) TASTY MINCE 1/2 kg veal mince 3 small onions1 clove of garlic (med) 1/2 bottle of tomato paste1 tablespoon of dried oregano23 tablespoons of balsmic vinegar2 dessertspoons of dark brown sugat MUSHROOM AND BACON PASTA I large Onion3-4 Cloves of Garlic 4-5 rashers of Bacon 3 Chicken stock cubes in 1/2 cup of water(made it salty) could use white wine. Approx. 8 button mushrooms1 can of evaporated Fry onion garlic and bacon together until cooked add evap. milk and chicken stock (white wine) and lastly mushrooms. Serve with Pasta. (2 to 4 small serves) CARBONARA FOR TWO1 med. onion and 2 small cloves of garlic2 large Bacon rashers100 – 150 ml. of cream and milk to make sauce consistency1 cup of grated cheeseButton mushrooms sliced.1 tablespoon of dry sherry. MUSHROOM PASTA 500g. of Rigatoni60g. (as above) butter 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 onion2 cloves of garlic, crushed 2 rashers of bacon, chopped 90g of mushrooms, (as above) 1/2 cup of white wine 1 chicken stock cube 2 eggs 1/3 cup of cream 50g of Parmesan cheese, grated salt and pepper to taste Cook Rigatoni. Saute onion, garlic and bacon in butter and oil until the bacon is crisp. Add wine, mushrooms and chicken stock cube and simmer for 2inches. Stir in cheese, cream and lightly beaten egg until the mixture begins to boil, serve over Rigatoni. PENNE WITH TOMATO AND BASIL MEAT SAUCE 300g of lean mince Beef2 teaspoons of light olive oil1 med. onion, chopped 1 stick of celery, sliced1 tablespoon of tomato paste450g of no added salt tomatoes400g of artichoke hearts drained and quartered2 baby egg plants thickly sliced 2 teaspoons of well drained capers1 tablespoon of chopped fresh basil or 1 teaspoon of driedFreshly ground pepper25Og of penne pastaFry onions and celery for 2 min., add mince and fry 3 min. stirring constantly Add remaining ingredients and simmer uncovered for 15 min., stirring occasionally.While sauce is simmering cook pasta. BAT TERTEMPURA1 egg yolk3/4 ice cold water1/2 cup of besan flour1/2 cup of corn flouroil for fryingBeat egg yolk and pour into ice water, add flours all at once and stir lightly until just combineed. The batter should still be lumpy. Heat abouit 2 cups of oil in a wok until hot. Dip vegetables o seafood in batter and fry until golden. Drain and serve wth soy sauce for dipping. Serve as an entree. Note besan flour is also known as chickpea flour and is available in the Asian section of the Supermarket. EGG DISHESZUCCHIN SLICE Compliments Paul Clancy 375 g. of grated zucchini 1 large onion finely chopped3 rashes of bacon finely chopped 1 cup of grated cheese 1cup of S.R. fl. 1/2 cup of vegetable oil4 – 5 eggs lighty beatenl EGG ROULADE3 oz.. butter1 cup of flour 2 cups of warm milk1 teaspoon of salt1/2 (as above) white pepper1 tablespoon of brandy as above sour cream4 eggs separatedMake a roux, cook 1 min., add milk slowly return to heat until boiling remove add cream, salt, pepper and brandy. Whisk in egg yolks one at a time,fold in beaten egg whites. place in Swiss roll tray, cook for 40 min at 160,or until golden brown. MUSHROOM FILLING8 oz of mushrooms4 oz of butter …………..1/2 for frying mushrooms and 1/2 for butter2 teaspoons of lemon juice ………. sprinkle over cooked mushrooms4 tablespoons of flour1 cup of warm milk1/2 teaspoon of salt make a white sauce using roux method. ground black pepper 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg1/2 cup of cream2 tablespoons of finely chopped parsley. When assembled reheat in a mod oven for 5 – 10 min. MEDITERRANEAN FRITTATA Slice 1 capsicum (as above) 1/2 bunch of spring onions (as above) some button mushroomsHeat some butter on a f.panToss vegetables in the pan with sliced salami or ham, cook for 2 to 3 min., remove from heat.Beat 5 eggs in a bowl with a dash of milkAdd 1 cup of grated cheese and a little chopped parsley and season to taste.Pour mixture into pan and cook over mod. heat for approx. 5 min.Sprinkle with extra cheese and brown under the grill.Serve with a tossed salad.FRITTATA9 eggs4 small onionsbacon2 cups of cheese1 cup of milkmushroomsand other vegetables (David and Kate not partial to capsicum) Fills large frypan nicely, serves 4 to 5 very well. BROCCOLI FRITTATA2cups of broccoli florets4 eggs1 cup milk1 packets Continental Thick vegetable soup1/3 cup of tasty cheesePlace broccoli in a greased ceramic quiche dish. Beat eggs, milk and soup andpour over broccoli. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 18O C. for 4O-45 minutes. Serves 4. QUICK QUICHE 1 cup of bread crumbs1 small onion1 clove of garlic4 eggs lightly beaten3ooml. cream Bake mod. oven for approx. 45min.3 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese Can add grated zucchini and decorate top with slices of tomato1 cup of grated cheddar cheese1 tablespoon of S.R. flour. MY QUICHEGrease a lamington tin (12 inches x 8 inches) Place a thin layer of bread crumbs in base6 egg s450 ml of evaporated milk, ( not low fat )2 onions 2 small cloves of garlic4 rashes of bacon2 loosely packed cups of grated tasty cheese ( Coon )2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese ( optional – best spread on top as mix. is setting during cooking )1 rounded tablespoon of S.R. flourUsual method.QUICK QUICHEGrease and line container with breadcrumbs.1 cup of carnation milk3 eggs1 tablespoon of flour1/2 cup of grated cheeseASPARAGRASS Place spears over bread crumbs. VEGETABLE DISHESVEGETABLE BAKE Womens Weekly —— I have not tried 1 tablespoon of oil 1 large onion 4 rashers of bacon2 large zuccinis1 large carrot75 g of mushrooms1 cup of S.R. flextra 1/2 cup of oil5eggs1 cup of cheesePOTATO CAKESGrate 6 large potatoes 1 onion grated finely Let stand to allow water to drain.1/2 cup of S.R. flour2 eggsRATATOUILLE1 Aubergine …. dice and sprinkle salt over, leave 15min then rinse.2 large onions …. cook in olive oil then add garlic.2 – 3 small cloves of garlicblack pepper4 small zucchini2 large cans of tomatoes2 large capsicums (green) …. ribbed and sliceddried oregano about a dessertspoon.CORN FRITTER1/2 Cup Polenta1 Cup of Flour1 tsp of Baking Powder1 cup of grated cheese2 egg4 rasherws of Bacon1 0nion420 g. can of Sweet Corn (drained)2 pinches of cayene pepper! Cup of milk (approx.)Fry bacon and onion and combine with other ingredients, fry in oil. Makes at least 12 good sizedfritters. Use egg rings for an attractive shape.BERNADETTES CARROTS1 bunch of carrots2 oz of butter1 tablespoon of brown suger1 teaspoon of mustard3 shakes of cayene pepper1 teaspoon of saltVEGETABLE ROGAN JOSH P M W U5oog of mixed vegetables ( try a seletion of potatos, sweet potatos, capsicum, egg plant and peas or broccoli) 1 onionchoped2 tablespons of oil1 x 360 g can Rogan Josh curry Sauce.Cut vegetables into large dice and par boil. Fry onion in oil until golden brown, thenfry remaining vegetables for 3 minutes. Add sauce and simmer uhtil vegetables are tender. Serve with rice of flat bread. Note Rogan Josh Sauce can be used with turkey, lamb of beef. SALADSCHOLESLAWA half of a large cabbage shredded 2 medium onions cut finely Sprinkle above with 1/2 cup of suga r1/2 cup of oil 1/2 cup of white vinegar – boiled together with 1 rounded tablespoon of muatard seed and 1 (as above) (as above) (as above) celery (as above) 1/2 teaspoon each of salt nd peppe 1 teaspoon of garlic powder Pour over cabbage onion and sugar then toss, store in refridgeratr for 24 hr. before serving. JO-ANNES MUMS SALAD DRESSING Boil together 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of vinegarIn a bowl whisk together 1 tbl spoon of mustard 1 (as above) (as above) pl. flour 1 level dessert sp. of salt 1 cup of milk 3 eggsAdd to sugar and vinegar mix, bring to boil stirring, simmer for about 2 min.Store in glass jars with plastic lids, MUMS MAYONAISE (David does not like)3 rounded tablespoons of sugar1/2 cup (small) of vinegar1/2 cup of milk3eggs2 teaspoons of mustardsalt and pepperBeat eggs milk sugar and mustard over heat: as beating gradually add the vinegar and then a tablespoon of butter. Keeps a week or so.THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING P M W U1 cup of mayonaise dressing1/4 cup of cream (60 ml)1 teaspoon of tomato sauce1 tablespoon of stuffed olives2 teaspoons of chopped green capsicum1 tablespoon of chopped chivesMix al ingredients and chill CARROT SALAD Compliments of Kay Price1kg of carrots – peel slice and cook (without salt) until crisp and tender.1 onion thinly sliced.1 green pepper – diced.Mix together and cover with a hot marinade.1/2 cup of vinegar1 teaspoon of salt1 (as above) mustard1 (as above) pepper1 cup (as above) sugar1/2 as above oil1 can (as above) tomato soup (3OOg)Bring to boil and pour over carrots, onion and pepper.Chill for several hours.Will keep in fridge for 2 weeks. SOUPSCARROT SOUP1 Kg carrots1 oion 2 potatoes2 sticks of celery 6 shallots90g butter1 clove of garlic4 Litre of water 2 teaspoons of sugar salt2 tsp of parsly2 chopped mint1/2 cup creasm (I Liked but David and children did not, said it was like pumpkin soup) Cook vegetables in butter for 5min. Add water and cook untiltender. the puree and add crea just prior to serving,mCARROT AND TURNIP SOUP2 large onions3 small cloves of garlic9 small carrots2 large white sweeds1 teaspoon of ginger1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg1 teaspoon of saltground pepperzest of one orange ( tends to add a lot of taste)2 tablespoons of chicken stock CUCUMBER SOUP 2 Kg cucmbers peelled 2 large onions2 well rounded tablespoons of flour 1 – 2 oz of butter 8 chicken cubes 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/4 (as above) (as above) white pepper 2 litres of wter 1/2 can of carnation milk dash of cream (A bit ordinary – a way of using excess cucumbers) Cook onion in butter, do not brown. Add flout and cook in the butter. Add water slowly, then finely sliced cucumber . Soften cubes in warm water and add with salt and pepper. Pure and Strain through a colander. Prior to serving add cream and mik. SAUCESBUTTERSCOTH SAUCE1 oz of butter1 heaped tablespoon of flour 1 teaspoon of golden syrup1 1/3 cups of milk1 egg beatensugar and vanila to taste Melt butter and flour together. Cook a little, add milk stirring well, bring to the boil, take off the heat and add egg and goden syrup stir well; heat again but do not boil. Lastly add vanila and sugar. MUMS MAYONAISE3 rounded tablespoons of sugar1 good teaspoon of mustard 1/2 teaspoon of saltA good dash of pepperA small 1/2 cup of milk (as above) 1/2 (as above) (as above)3 eggs1 tablespoon of butterBeat all together then add small !/2 cup of vinegar. Cook quietly it is not supposed to boil. Blend 1 tablespoon of butter after cooking. If it gets lupy use the egg beater PASTRYMUMS SWEET SHORT PASTRY4 oz S.R. flour4 oz of Pl. Flourpinch of salt4 oz of butter2 oz of castor sugar1 egg3 tablespoons of waterUsual method SWEET SHORT PASTRY1/2 lb pf flourpinchof salt4 oz of butter3 oz of castor sugar1 egg yolk2 tablespoons of milk or waterRub in method. Sweet tarts etc. Quadrupled makes 2 kg. of pastry. Good for fruit mince tarts.SWEET CRUST PIE PASTRY compliments E. Maguire150 g. of butter300 g. of flour150 g. of icing sugr2 egg yolksRub butter into the flour, add icing sugar then egg yolks, add another egg yolk or water if the miture is too stiff: Mum adds milk. PICKLESGREEN TOMATO PICKLE Compliments of Jean Boatman6lb of tomatoes2lb (as above) onions1/2 cup of saltChop tomato and onion add salt and stand overnight then strain and add2pts of vinegar2lb (as above) sugarBoil 2Omin.Thicken with1 tablespoon of mustard3 as above cornfloour (generous)1 dessertspoon of curry1 teaspoon of turmeric. Mix with a little vinegar.PASTA CARBONARA (see Sauces book) JAMSMARMALADE Jeremy Vincent (Weekly Times)1 large pink grapefruit2 orange2 limes or lemonsDiscard pith from the fruit inc. the rind. Separate the pulp from the rind. Cut the rind up finely. Put the rind and the pulp in a large bowl with 2 cup of wate and bring to the boil and then simmer for 20 to 30 min. Remove from the heat and let stand overnight. Next day bring to the biol and boil rapidly for about 45 min. At 105C. As the water evaporates stir frequently to prevent scorching. To finish add about 1/4 cup of Cointreau or Grand Marnier. Makes about three 600ml jars. ORANGE CONSERVEORANGE AND LEMON JAM Mrs Thomson ( Nannas mother)Slice and cut 3 large oranges and 3 large lemons.Boil for 20 to 30 minutes in 6 cups of water. Stand overnight, then add 9 cups of sugar. Boil 1 1/2 hrs. ORANGE CONSERVETo 12 good sized oranges all 12 cups of sugar and 1 cups of waterCut into even slices discarding ends and removing the seeds, place in pan and add water. Boil until soft, do not stir. Add the sugar and let it dissolve gadually, shake the pan to stop it settling on the bottom, but do not stir the conserve. Bring slowly to boiling point, then let it boil hard for 15 to 20 minutes. Test for setting. Just before bottling add a pinch of citric acid. I do not bother with C. Acid. Sells well at fetes etc., I like to use navel oranges. add DRINKSGRACES CORDIAL2 oranges2lemons1 oz tartaric acid or citric acid1 oz of epson salts2 lbs. of sugar2 1/2 pints of boiling waterGrate rind and extract juice. Pour boiling water over all. Mum suggests putting the egg beater into mixture to extract more flac vour from the rind. Strain and bottle while hot.ROSE CHAMPAGNE Compliments of Rick Sim, friend of Scott Mc Conachie 1 1/2 lbs. Sugar2lbs. Rhubarb 1 1/2 tablespoons of white vinegar 1 gallon of water 2 lemonscolouring if necessaryWash and cut rhubarb into pieces about 1/2 inch long, place into a large vessel, squeeze juice from lemons,cut the rind finely and add to the rhubarb mixture. Allow to stand for 48 hrs., then strain through muslin or nylon stocking. Colour if necessary. Bottle and cork well or use crown seals. Leave from 1 to 2 weeks before using. chill well before serving. I used plastic soft drink bottles successfully, one can gauge tension of the bottleBe careful when opening as it sometimes spurts everywhere. R. Sim starts using when a week old.FRUIT CUP Complimnts of Joan Laidlaw2 x 2 liitre of orange juice 2 tins of cectar 3 tins golden circle punch drink 2 x 1.5 litre bottles of lemonade 3 x 1.5 litre bottles dry ginger1 or 2 punnets of strwberies, sliced.3 lemons, (juice of 2) and 1 lenmon thinly sliced and cut up.1 orange1 or 2 bags of icePassionfruit and mint leaves optionalThis quaintity is supposed to serve 80 people. COFFEE16oz Dutch Jug3 cups of iced water12 tablespoons of coffeepinch of salt and mustardMix all ingredients together in a large mixmaster bowl, beat 15min. HINTSCut a sponge fron centre to outsideCan use !/2 cup of fig jam in a boiled fruit cake recipe. G.RachingerCustard, 2 tablepoons of dried powdered milk to 2 cups of low fat milk.1 liktre of milk for 30 cwhite cups of tea or coffee.Jam drop biscuits – make a depression in the biscuit and put the jam in the last 2 min. It does not boil.Honey – To melt candied honey, heat to 140C slowly and hold at that temperature for an hour.Gravey – 1/2 Gravox and 1/2 flour. ODDS AND ENDSHERBAL COUGH MIXTURE Christine ShaldersJuice of 1 lemondessertspoon of honey1/2 tea sp. (as above) sage (as above) (as above) (as above) thyme (as above) (as above) (as above) gingerMethod- Put in mug and cover with boiling water, let stand for 5 min. Strain through tea strainer, sip while hot take at bed time or at meal times.GLAZED BAKED HAM1 Leg of Ham1 cup of orange juice1 1/2 tablespoons of Dijob mustard1 tabespoon of Worcestershire sauce1 1/2 tanlespoons of brown sugar1/3 cup of honeyCloves Place hm in a baking dish. Bake at 160 C for 160 C for 1/2 – 1 hr. or until rind can be easily pulled offwithout tearing. N.B. A sharp knike may aid. Discard skin.Put combined ingredients int a saucepan – simmer for 1-2 min. Remove from heat. Cut diamond shapes into the ham and place a clove in the centre of each diamond. Baste ham with the glaze. Bake at 200 C for40-60 mins. Baste ever 15 min. with the glaze. remove from the oven serve hot or cold.GLAZED CAMEO HAM (have not tried)1/3 Cup of 3 fruit marmalade1 1/2 tablespoons of brown sugarHeat to dissolve sugar and then brush over ham. Allow to set. touch up with extra glaze if desired.CANDIED HONEYTo melt, heat to 140 F slowly and hold at that temperature for an hour. DIPS AVOCADO DIP1 ripe avocado peeleed and mashed1 tablespoon of lemon juice1/4 cup of sour cream1 clove of garlic, ceushed250 g. Of cream cheese Mix avocado , lemon juice and garlic together. Beat cream cheese with a mix master until smooth, add avocado mixture and combine well. Serve with spicey potato wedges or corn chips. PATE BEETROOT DIP I have not triedAbout 240 g of beetroot trimm1 1/2 teaspoons of cummin seeds260 g (1cup) of yogurt2 cloves of garlic crushed1 teaspoon of fresh thyme leavespinch of saltcrusty bread to serveCook beetroot. Fry cummin seeds for about 30sec. Or until fragrant. Set aside.Combine all ingreients except seeds and process till smooth, season. Sprinkle dip with seeds.CURRY DIP Compliments of Debbie Hamilton60grams of butter (melted – cook onion in until transparent then curry powder, then let cool to add remaining ingredients.1 onion finely chopped2 tablespoons of curry or to taste1/2 cup of mayonnaise (s.c milk kind)1 tablespoon of lemon juice.salt and pepper1/2 cup of lightly folded cream. AVOCADO DIP Compliments of Beccy Lazenby1 Large Avocado2 Heaped teaspoons of mayonaise1 1/2 teaspoons of lemon Juice3/4 teaspoons of onion salt1/2 teaspoon of garlic powderGround black pepperBe careful when adding ingredients, better if they are added to taste. (These are only approximates)CHEESEY DIP8 oz of butter8 oz of cream or cottage cheese1 tin of anchovy filletsI leval desertspoon of caraway sseds (optional) I do not bother with1 dessertspoon of capers ( N.B. Go easy on the capers, better to be on the light side.)1 desserspoon of chopped chives1 teaspoon of paprika1 teaspoon of made mustard1 teaspoon of salt1/2 teaspoon of celery saltCream butter, until soft, beat in sieved cheese. Chop drained anchovy fillets and add to the mixture. Stir in the caraway seeds, capers, chives and seasonings and beat until well blended. WELSH RAREBIT4 slices of bread8oz of tasty cheese1 egg beaten Mix and spread on toasted2 teaspoons of mustard (could half) bread and grill.4 tablespoons of cream2 (as above) (as above) dry sherryDash of Worcestershire saucesalt and pepper TOAST TOPPING (Bernadette Harringtons)1 cane of creamed cornbacon piecesI cup of grated cheeseonion DUTCH JUG WHIPMix 1/2 cup Dutch Jug with 1/2 cup ice cold water. Beat to soft peaks (3-4min)Add 2 tablespoons of lemon Juice, beat 3-4min till stiff. Fold in 1/4 cup ofsugar. Add vanilla or favourite flavouring. Serve at once. Makes 3 cups full.(A serve 1/3 cup = 37 calories)RUM BALLS450G Cake crumbs400g S.C. milk1 cup of coconut1/2 cup of coca1 – 2 tablespoons of rumCHOCOLATE TRUFFLES1 Can of S.C. milk2 cups of sweet crushed biscuits1 cup of coconut2 tablespoons of cocoaExtra coconut for rollingFRUIT CHEESE 250G of cream cheese1/2 cup of chopped dried apricots1/2 (as above) sultanas2 tablespoons of orange juiceRefrigerate covered for 1hr. Roll mix. into a ball and toss in 1/2 cup of poppy seeds.Cover and refrigerate for several hours until firm. FRUIT MINCE1 kg. Sultanas1 kg Currents3/4kg. Raisins2 kg Brown Sugar500 grams Butter 250grams Mixed Peal2 kg Apples1/2 Bottle of Sweat Sherry 75 grams of Mixed Spice1 tablespoon of NutmegJuice and rind of 4 Oranges (as above) (as above) 2 Lemons1 pint of water1 Jar of Marmalade ICINGS AND FROSTINGS CHOLOLATE FROSTING125G Butter100G Dark chocolate1 tbsp thickened cream melt hocolate and butter add icing sugar and cream. Allow to stand 2 tbsp icing sugar until thick enough to spread. Can drizzle with melted chocolate.EASY CHOCOLATE FROSTING125 grams of Butter1/2 cups of icing sugar Cream butter and icing sugar add cocoa and vanilla, enough to cover the 1 tablespoon of cocoa top of a 20 cm. cake.1 teaspoon of vanilla RICH CHOCOLATE BUTTER CREAM250 g. of butter4 cups of soft icing sugar200 g. Cad. Cooking chocolatebrandy of rum to tasteCream butter and icing sugar until light and fluffy. Break up chocolate, melt in a small saucepan over low heat or over a bowl of simmering water. Beat into butter mixture adding flavour of choice. Use for frosting a cake. Do sides first, then top and pipe edging around the top edge with a star pipe. RICH CHOCOLATE GLAZE1/2 cup of cream250 g. Of Cad. Chocolatebring cream to the boil in a small saucepan and add chocolate squares. Remove from the heat and whisk until the chocolate is melted and mixture is smooth. Place the saucepan in cold water to stop cooking. Let icing stand for 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Stir again and pour over the top of the cake. Smooth with a metal spatula until cake is evenly covered with icing.HAZELNUT CREAM with coffee kisses 125 cream cheese 1/4 cup of hazelenut spread1 tablespoon of hazelnuts1 CONFECTIONARYWHITE CHRISTMAS250 g of cogha1 cup of rice bubbles1 cup of icing sugar1 cup of milk powder1 cup of mixed fruit and glace fruit1 cup of desiccated coconutMelt copha over gentle heat, and pour over all the mixed ingredients. Press into a greased tray, chill until firm. Cut into spuares.TOFFEE2cups of sugar1/2 cup of butter1/4 cup of water2 tablespoons of vinegarHONEY TOFFEE P M W U4 cups of sugar1/4 cup of honey1 1/2 cups water 1/2 cup of blanched almonds Plasce sugare honey and water in a saucepan. Bring slowly to boil, stirring constantly, then do not stir after it has begun to boil. Test by dropping a teaspoon into cold water: the mixture should crackle. Add nuts and pour ino patty pans or onto a buttered tray.CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES1 Can sweetened condenced milk2 Cups of sweet crushed biscuits, approximarely 8oz.1 Cup of coconut2 Tablespoons of cocoaRum essenceExtra coconut for rolling HAZELNUT TRUFFLES Compliments of Beccy Lazenby1 Cup of icing sugar4 oz of Hazelnuts12 oz of dark chocolate1 egg white1/4 Cup of cream1 teaspoon of rumchocolate sprinkles/ cocoaSift icing sugar into a gowl, mix with hazelnits. Stir in just enough egg white to make a firm paste; add cream. Chop Chocolate, in top of a double saucepan, stir over low heat until melted. Blend into hazelnut mixture, stirring with a woodenspoon; add rum. Turn mixture into a shoallow tin lined with greaseproof paper; refridgerate until set. When firm cut intoi small squares, then roll into balls between palms of hands; roll in sprinkles/cocoaRefridgerat.Makes approximatrely 2 1/2dozenFUDGE500g of sugar60g (as above) butter1 tin of S.C. milk150ml of watervanilla90g of chopped nuts (optional)chocolate fudge add 30g of cocoaHeat gently to dissolve sugar, boil steadily until 1/2teaspoons full droppedinto cold water stay in a ball. Remove from heat, add vanilla and nuts thenbeat until thick and creamy. (Next time try icing sugar) (Australian Womens Weekly Cookbook)