In the curtain raiser MURFC played Old Xavier for the 10th Shaw Cup. In a close game former MURFC players proved the difference as Wilson Tighe and Peter Shaw both scored two tries. Final score 25-12.
In the curtain raiser MURFC played Old Xavier for the 10th Shaw Cup. In a close game former MURFC players proved the difference... https://shawfactor.com/?p=46
We should all name and shame
In any society there has always been behaviour that is legal but undesirable. In the past this was discouraged by the close community bonds that existed that most valued and were fearful to jeopardise. Unfortunately those bonds are breaking down. My startup is working to remedy that by introducing functionality to “name and shame” individuals … Continue reading “We should all name and shame”
LH RDF not just xml anymore
LH Rdf is back!! Yes development has started again and the first stop is to add additional formats to the output. Previously Lh Rdf only supported RDF-xml and has been designed almost exclusively around that. Therefore to add other formats I have bundled the Easyrdf library into the plugin. When the query string lhrdf is … Continue reading “LH RDF not just xml anymore”
Princes Park Touch Summer 2024-25
In 2024-25 the tradition of “Social touch Football in Melbourne’s heart” continues with PPT’s Summer touch rugby season.If you are interested in entering a team please visit the website, where you can find more information and the team entry process. https://princesparktouch.com Individual players should leave their details here.

Author: Peter Shaw
Is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch and the leader of the LocalHero project!
View all posts by Peter Shaw