I have finally released the first WordPress plugin I have written as part of the LocaHero project. The plugin itself once installed adds a SIOC compliant RDF feed to a WordPress site.
The current RDF feed is deficient as it basically just rehashes the existing RSS feed as RDF XML. LH-RDF is an improvement as it exposes the internal post, author, and category objects as dereferencable URI thus publishing them in the semantic web.
Whilst this plugin is built on a standalone standalone it is built to work with and is enhanced by the LH-Relationships plugin. LH Relationships is a wordpress plugin that enables the creation of true semantic post to post relationships and when used in conjunction LH-RDF those triples will be published in the LH-RDF feed.
If are interested you can read about it here: https://lhero.org/portfolio/lh-rdf/
and download it here: https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/lh-rdf/.
I have problems with lh-relationships:
Warning: Missing argument 3 for lh_relationships_return_sparql_triple_by_post_ID(), called inwp-content/plugins/lh-relationships/the_widgets.php on line 15 and defined in wp-content/plugins/lh-relationships/index.php on line 119
can you tell me what version of LH relationships you are using and what widget you are using to trigger this error?
I ask as that function as you can see in the index.php of the plugin has optional arguments?