Surfing around the internet I recently discovered SURF‘s InContext Visualiser, which I think is a neat way to visualise of RDF relationships, especially OAI-ORE aggregated publications
I also discovered that people have already created a set of WordPress plugins (see: ) to visualise books and other similar publications. However blogs do not fit into a book/chapter model.
However given there is already a schema for publishing blog data and my lh-rdf plugin already exposes most publicly available WordPress blog data as RDF using that format. It was an obvious next step to get the visualiser working with the LH RDF output. I have done so and hopefully you think the output is cool.
I am just setting up a WP Blog… Using it as a CMS for my entire site. I am a web designer and really intrigued by the possibilities of semantic encoding and a search of related plugins brought yours to my attention. It says ‘untested’ with your installation of WP (3.4). Do you have an anecdotal information about if it works or not? I hope it does. Keep up the good work.
Hey, that’s very nice example! It looks great! Do you have code that can render any given RDF into that visualisation, doesn’t matter the context as long as in a navigable? Thanks in advance.
Found it thx