BUNDABERG, a new port and township situated on the south bank of the river Burnett, about 10 miles from its mouth and about 30 miles north of Maryborough. It contains between 300 and 400 inhabitants, and posesses two banks, Commercial and Bank of New South Wales, a school of arts, a money-order and telegraph office, several stores, and half-a-dozen public-houses. The school of arts is used as a place of worship by the members of the Episcopal and Presbyterian denomination, but an Episcopal and Roman Catholic church are about being erected. It is the outlet of a considerable extent of country, and for the produce of the Mount Perry mines. Sugar is largely grown in the district, upwards of 300 acres of cane being under cultivation. Two sugar mills are at work. The cereals occupy about 755 acres. Coal has been found in the neighbourhood, and will most probably be found to pay for working. One saw-mill is kept working in the vicinity. Steamers call in from Brisbane once a fortnight, and also on the return trip. Stock returns for 872 are 783 horses, 18,600 cattle, 100 sheep, 359 pigs.
Bundaberg Extract