Introducing LH Archived Post Status

LH Archived Post status is a WordPress extension that creates an additional posts status available for content that may no longer be relevant to most visitors but should be available publicly (perhaps for historical purposes).

I built this plugin as UI needed this flexibility whilst using WordPress as a CMS. The plugin adds a new post status that enables posts and pages (and custom post types) to be archived. Archiving in this context means that the content is still publicly available but is not published on the front page of the site or the feed. I was not satisfied with other archiving solutions which hid the content for all non logged in visitors and was not configurable.


Posts are available directly for any visitor but can have a custom message added that flags that they may no longer be relevant.

WordPress’ default post statuses currently work very much like an on/off switch as far as a finished post is concerned. Of the eight default statuses, Published is the only one that is public, while all the rest remain behind the curtain in various states of unreadiness. None of the statuses, apart from Published, adequately indicate that a post is complete or finished or its relevancy.

Fortunately, WordPress makes it possible for developers to register their own custom post statuses, which is what I’ve done with this plugin. It allows you to archive posts in the same way that you might archive email.

Archived Post Status is compatible with posts, pages, and custom post types, giving you a wide array of possible use cases:

  • Archive pages or posts from a conference or event for editing and re-use next year
  • Archive real estate listings for records
  • Cycle portfolio content in and out of the site as necessary
  • Temporarily remove listings from a site that indexes businesses or organizations
  • Archive products to bring back for future use

While custom post types seem to be one of the most likely uses for this plugin, you may not want to have the archived status available to all post types. Thisd can be done by slecting the appropriate posts types in the settings area.


If you need to public archive completed posts, but hide them from the front page, feeds, and flag their state this simple plugin will do the trick. Installation instructions etc are available here:

Author: Peter Shaw

Is the founder and president of Princes Park Touch and the leader of the LocalHero project!

5 thoughts on “Introducing LH Archived Post Status”

  1. I had to deactivate this plugin. I keep getting messages like:

    supplied for foreach() in /home/gunntheatre/ on line 211

  2. Hi, i\’m not fluent in english, neither in web language… sorry … but :
    I\’m a new user with wordpress and I applied \”LH Signing\” to post a petition for my association in Geneva Switzerland. I did it one week ago. And I have two questions to improve it :
    1- how to add \”profession\” and \”city\” like line to write (still \”name\”…) ?
    2- how to make the firm automaticly added ? I mean I don\’t wand to confirm by hand each signature… is it possible ? is there any easy and short manual to read about How to use LH S ?
    + Why this distinction beetwen Confirmed and Unconfirmed ? is it possible to have only confirmed signature ?
    Thanks so much if y can answer to me….. abd happy new year ! Samia

    1. Samia,

      In response to your commet. See points below

      1- how to add “profession” and “city” like line to write (still “name”…) ?

      This can be done programatically, if you cant work it out I can do it for a small fee. But it will never be a core feature as the list of potential fields is infinite.

      2- how to make the firm automatically added ? I mean I don’t wand to confirm by hand each signature… is it possible ? is there any easy and short manual to read about How to use LH S ?
      + Why this distinction between Confirmed and Unconfirmed ? is it possible to have only confirmed signature ?

      The plugin confirms people, not firms. It is expected that very person has an email address. But that needs to be validated. Hence they get sent an email with a validation link. The validation happens when they click the link, there is no need to do anything by hand


  3. Hello. Please for update LH Archived Post Status for WP to 5.5.1.
    Because this is the best plugin for Archive. Realy and eac day I see WP if is up to date / work in this new version. Also you can make archive status for digital product – woocomerce.
    Because some digital product have end date of use -> like auction.
    Peter Shaw please for this, thenks an bye.

  4. Is there a fast way to restore the archived posts? I bulk archived them using “edit” and then choosing “archive” as the post status. I didn’t realize it removed posts from category and tag archives as well until Google alerted me to empty tag archives. I nwwant to restore the 1,500 posts so that is no longer an issue, but when I choose the archived posts and bulk edit, the post status option is gone so I have to open each post and update the status one at a time. There has to be a faster way?

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