Peter Shaw

The goal of this blog is to combine my personal interests in amongst other things; technology, programming, sports, fitness, finance, and politics. Hopefully my short life story will help you understand how I developed those interests…

Peter Shaw
Peter Shaw

I am the oldest of three children, born in Ballarat and raised on a farm at Dunneworthy near Ararat.

I studied Commerce at the University of Melbourne, and whilst studying played rugby at club and state level.

After graduating I gave semi-professional rugby a go in England. But was frustrated by a broken leg and a lack of talent and after two year overseas I returned to Australia.

On my return I discovered the incompetence of English doctors, they had set my broken leg at 25 degrees. This required another operation. Determined to use my recovery well I taught myself the rudiments of computer programming.

After a short period working back on the farm I finally commenced my official career and i have worked full time in the finance industry since 2001.

During my spare time I have brought together my lifelong interest in sport and politics with my emerging interests in technology and finance. In 2007 I founded LocalHero. A website/application to link local content to local people. It has had several stages but remains an obsession.

In my spare time I like keeping fit by playing sports including touch football and rugby. I am president and founder of Princes Park Touch , the convenor of the E.M. Shaw Cup.

29 thoughts on “Peter Shaw”

  1. Very interested in your research into Essendon Recreation Reserve Grandstand.In my family archives I have a letter from the City of Essendon d/d 25/6/1925 reporting that my grandfather William John Butler was employed as Clerk of Works in the construction of the main grandstand and indicated Councils satisfaction with the manner in which his work was carried out.As a further matter in interest he fulfilled similiar Clerk of Works roles at Ascot Vale Showgrounds , Coburg Crandstand and various City of Brunswick undertakings.

  2. Peter,

    My family history includes 3 football team group photos (B&W), which include my father, dated 1907, 1908 and 1909. One has a sign saying “WMPFC Premiers 1908”. In another the players are wearing caps with these initials. Family anecdotes have linked dad with North Melbourne but these photos are definitely not of VFA teams West Melbourne or North Melbourne as the jumpers are dark with a sash (Like Essendon’s).

    I have been unsuccessful in finding out the full name of this club or any other details (via football history sites) and hope you can point me in the direction of where to do more research.


  3. Hello, Peter

    (This may be a repeat – original note reset to your home page. So here goes another attempt:)

    I live in the U.S.(Massachusetts) and I am researching places that an American gold prospector passed through on his way from Melbourne to Spring Creek (Beechworth).
    In August of 1853 he wrote in his journal that he was in “…Ovens Township…” and had stopped briefly to buy food supplies at the Gold Seekers Inn.
    I have found that the Inn was in the settlement of Fifteen Mile Creek (FMC) which was later named Greta (G). My question is, Was FMC or G ever known to be “the Ovens Township” or in the Ovens District?



    1. Bill,

      the town of Ovens still exists and is not far from where my grandfather and other relatives live near Myrtleford.

      Its not really on the route between Melbourne and Beechworth though. I think perhaps he is using Ovens/Ovens District in the sense of the areas that the Ovens River flows through or even the general Ovens Valley. In which case yes Greta would definitely be in the Ovens valley.

      Its a beautiful part f the world.

      1. Thanks Peter,

        I think he was at Fifteen Mile Creek at West Greta (he wrote that he and his 4 friends stopped at the Goldseeker Inn.) But he called that the Ovens Township and that is why I was confused.

        They stayed in Beechworth (more precisely in a tent on Spring Creek then in December 1853 he and 4 of his friends went up the Buckland River as far, I think, as Buckland Junction (just past Fairley Creek). Did not find gold, left on mate behind and the other 3 returned via Buckland and Ovens until he his two mates reached what he called Elliser’s Station.

        I believe he heard it that way and his spelling was a phonic way of writing Hillas (drop the “H” British style and make it possessive = Illises = Illisers = Ellisers). There were only a few squatters out there in 1853 and as far as I have been able to find out none of them had the name Ellis. So do you think Hillas could have sounded like Ellis? Possible?

        The 3 men received permission to camp overnight and then early the next morning they proceeded on to Beechworth
        (probably 25 km or ~15 miles) where they had been mining and keeping a tent since August.

        Thanks for your help – Your identifying the Myrtleford Hotel as approximately where J. Hillas had some huts kind of got me close enough to where I think the prospector camped.


        Yes, the Alpine Road carries through hills, valleys and over shallow rivers as do roads here in Massachusetts and particularly in New Hampshire. I have surfed for still photos and seeing them I actually feel right at home literally on the other side of the world.

  4. Hello Peter, the detail on Kensington (vic) was great. Macaulay Rd is mispelled (only once) as Macauley. If you look at street signs, you will see that this is something the MCC gets wrong, too, about 50% of the time. G

  5. Hi Pete,

    I enjoyed reading your story. I am from England (thankfully not a doctor), have just moved to Melbourne and started writing a blog and too would like to teach myself how to run a website. I previously studied digital marketing and played rugby for a team in Manchester called Sale FC, the amateur outfit for the sharks. I really enjoy playing rugby and touch especially, how do I get involved in your touch league?? KR

  6. LH Ios Web App – Local error, But I try online.

    ( ! ) Fatal error: Class ‘Jetpack_Photon’ not found in C:\wamp\www\mipablovi\wp-content\plugins\-lh-ios-web-app\lh-ios-web-app.php on line 102
    Call Stack
    # Time Memory Function Location
    1 0.0009 248912 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0
    2 0.0014 252448 require( ‘C:\wamp\www\mipablovi\wp-blog-header.php’ ) ..\index.php:17
    3 2.3832 65366352 require_once( ‘C:\wamp\www\mipablovi\wp-includes\template-loader.php’ ) ..\wp-blog-header.php:16
    4 2.4208 66037656 include( ‘C:\wamp\www\mipablovi\wp-content\themes\javo-directory\page.php’ ) ..\template-loader.php:74
    5 2.4208 66037768 get_header( ) ..\page.php:10
    6 2.4209 66038464 locate_template( ) ..\general-template.php:45
    7 2.4210 66038648 load_template( ) ..\template.php:477
    8 2.4217 66070336 require_once( ‘C:\wamp\www\mipablovi\wp-content\themes\javo-directory\header.php’ ) ..\template.php:501
    9 2.4291 66087896 wp_head( ) ..\header.php:35
    10 2.4291 66088008 do_action( ) ..\general-template.php:2206
    11 2.5129 66361976 call_user_func_array ( ) ..\plugin.php:496
    12 2.5129 66362008 LH_ios_web_app_plugin->add_meta_to_head( ) ..\plugin.php:496
    13 2.5130 66379680 LH_ios_web_app_plugin->check_image_size( ) ..\lh-ios-web-app.php:176

  7. Hi, Peter.
    I’m trying to figure out how to use LH QR Code on my WordPress site. I’m not a coder, much as I regret that. I’m working to learn, but it’s a slow slog, as I’m an adult with two businesses to run and very limited time for study.

    I’m interested in how I can get the QR code to display properly on a given page or posts, and how I can specify the textual content that it encodes.

    I’m giving LH QR a try, because I can’t find a more simple QR generator that’s been update recently or is tested with the latest version of WordPress, which is what I’m running.

    What I’d really like is the ability to have site members fill out a form that would then automatically use the form data-fill to generate a QR code with the data entries from that form, and then push it to the site as a post. (The data fill would also be included in plain text as the body of the post below the QR code)

    Any thoughts or suggestions? I can be reached via Google Hangouts using my gmail.

    1. Dan,

      The shortcode supports a text attribute e.g.

      [lh_qr_code text="Pete can program"]

      see example here :

      I’ll add documenation for this feature in the my next relase this week

      In terms of a form to automatically create a post, obviously the plugin doesn’t support that natively but i could build it easily enough if you wanted to hire me (I’m very reasonably priced).


  8. Hello Peter,

    I’ve been following your work at your site, awesome stuff you’re doing over there.

    Really quick – I just did this infographic that provides a wealth of valuable blogging tips and a blogging roadmap for beginners.

    I’ve been getting some excellent feedback on it already, and I thought you might want to check it out.

    Let me know if you do and I’ll send it your way.

    Matt Banner

  9. Hi Peter,
    I am using your lh signing plugin, but i\\\’d like to add fields like Country and City , how can do it? Thanks!

    1. cheo,

      Pete Shaw here author of LH Signing

      If you look through the plugins code you can see filters where you can add fields and process them as post objects.

      If you are not confident writing code though I can write a special plugin that enhances my existing plugin.

      It would take me an hour so I’d charge USD 40 by PayPal.

      Let me know if that suits.


  10. Hi
    I started to use ur (P)WA-Plugin (LH Web Application) for WordPress and i like it so far. I just have one Question: Will there be an offline mode (caching) for it? Cos i think, thats something thats missing at the moment. Thx for ur feedback.

  11. Hi. Do you have any plans to update your WordPress HTTP/2 Server Push plugin? Nginx web server just released an update to Mainline that adds Server Push.

  12. Hi Peter, It’s incredibly inappropriate and highly unprofessional to troll a competitor. You and Saul have attacked a small business owned by a young couple, that employs a staff, who generates money for the local economy, provides an outstanding service, runs charity cups and financially assists a local rugby union club.
    A lot of blood, sweat and tears go into the running of TRL Melbourne and that is why we have such a great, loyal cohort of players who love to play with our competition.
    This is not a good look for you or this page, so I recommend it’s time to focus your energy on Princess park instead of trolling your competitors with vexatious reviews.

    1. I stand behind my comments. Being factual is the definition of professionalism.

      whether they are nice people is irrelevant. Everything point I made was factual and most people when they see the facts realise that what TRL is doing is wrong.

  13. Hey Peter,
    I just found your Plugin “LH Disable BP Registration” an where extremely happy about that. It is exactly what I am looking for, since I would like to use the usual WordPress-Registration while having BuddyPress running. Unfortunately it does not work on my WP Installation. I installed and activated, bud it had no effect. Probably it doesn’t work with my current theme (twenty seventeen) or something. Do you have an advice for me, how to get it running? What is the beste theme to use with it? Do you offer like a Premium-Version of this Plugin? Best regards & thx a lot!

  14. Hey Peter,

    I just found your WP Plugin „LH Disable BP Registration“, wich is great, since it is exactly what I am looking for. I would like to run a buddypress, but would like to use the registration process of wordpress.
    Unfortunatly after installing and activating, the plugin had no effect. Do you have an advice for me, how to get it running? Wich theme should I use (currently: twenty sevewnteen) Or do you offer a premium version of this plugin? Best regards and thx a lot!!!

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